Is anybody at Quartzsite this early

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Ray, this winter has been ridiculous so far in the Midwest. We had a high of 55 today in Iowa. Of course it is only 40 tomorrow and 34 on Sunday.
The technical definition of a desert is an area that annually loses more moisture through evaporation than it receives in precipitation (rain and snow). By that definition most of California's Central Valley is a desert. It's productive agricultural land only because of the water it gets from the Sierra Nevada snowpack.
Don, I read that link, interesting. One of the facts was people think of sand dunes. That is what surprised me the first time I got to Quartzsite, the rocky gravely surface. Growing up in the northeast desert conditions as we would see on TV etc, always showed sand dunes. Never looked any further than that. So I was surprised when I got there.

Looks like a fun factoid to know for trivial conversations, like why will eskimos not eat penguins.
Don, I read that link, interesting. One of the facts was people think of sand dunes. That is what surprised me the first time I got to Quartzsite, the rocky gravely surface. Growing up in the northeast desert conditions as we would see on TV etc, always showed sand dunes. Never looked any further than that. So I was surprised when I got there.

Looks like a fun factoid to know for trivial conversations, like why will eskimos not eat penguins.
Ooh! Ooh! I know Mista Kotta! It's cause it's a loonngg kayak trip.
Largest desert is in Asia. How many people know that cacti only occur in the Americas?
Did you read my link which shows Antarctica as being the largest desert in the world?

I wonder how many people know that the Saguaro cactus only grows in AZ and a very small section of CA. It only grows in the Sonoran Desert because it requires a lot of summer heavy rainfall. You can tell the areas that get the most summer rainfall by the number of the Saguaros in the area.

-Don- Reno, NV
The technical definition of a desert is an area that annually loses more moisture through evaporation than it receives in precipitation (rain and snow).
Usually, areas that get less than 10" of rain per year OR a bit more than 10" if most of the rain comes in buckets all at once.

-Don- Reno, NV (in the Great Basin Desert)
Did you read my link which shows Antarctica as being the largest desert in the world?
No, I did not read your link. I am not stupid enough to click on blind links. I also guessed that the link would tell me that Antarctica is the largest desert, since that is what David Attenborough says, but I don't agree with that conclusion.
They are not using facts, just opinions.
A desert if a fact as much as an ocean. Both are clearly defined. And Antarctica meets the definition of "desert" as much as the Pacific Ocean meets the definition of "Ocean".

Even by dictionary definition:

Desert. n. "A barren area of land or desolate terrain, especially one with little water or vegetation; a wasteland."

-Don- Reno, NV
Which means you do not agree with the facts and truth, which you would know if you read the link.

-Don- Reno, NV
Seriously Don, haven't you heard of Alternative Facts. They've become quite popular and I'm thinking eventually will replace the actual facts as we've come to know them.

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