Is my water heater adjustable for temperature?

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New member
Oct 19, 2006
I live in a '96 22-footer with pretty much the same water heater as found in all travel trailers.  I saw the new ones still have pretty much the same water heater but with an electronic pilot lighter and an easy-to-use temperature selector.  Is there a way to adjust the temperature on my old one?  Nothing's obvious.
MAC702 said:
I live in a '96 22-footer with pretty much the same water heater as found in all travel trailers.  I saw the new ones still have pretty much the same water heater but with an electronic pilot lighter and an easy-to-use temperature selector.  Is there a way to adjust the temperature on my old one?  Nothing's obvious.

Some water heaters are not adjustable. The adjustment for electronically controlled heaters is usually a small lever which can be slid left or right to change the temp. It's located near the gas valve.
What brand of heater do you have - Atwood, Suburban or perhaps an American? And what model?

Most Atwoods have separate thermostats for LP and electric operation. The t-stats are mostly fixed temperature units but Atwood offers a couple different part numbers with different temp ranges. They also have one that is adjustable. If you have an Atwood, get the model number and check with a dealer or parts supply warehouse for t-stats that will fit your model. The LP mode t-stat is pretty easy to change but the electric t-stat may not be readily accessible (its on the back side of the tank).  A few Atwood LP only models have an external, adjustable t-stat right from the factory, but you would probably have noticed that since it's right by the pilot controls.

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