No double space anymore! (after a period)

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Based on some of the writing I've seen over the past few years it looks like some of it was created on a cell phone while driving down a busy road.  Having to add a second space would require tooooooo much attention on the authors part. 
As a beginning programmer back in the early 80's we were taught to single space to save hard drive space due to limited expensive disk space. By the early 90's high school kids were being taught computer literacy and that spread to the general population.
Funny one...

I learned in college (still have the writer's guide) that there are two major styles - Modern Language Association (MLA) and American Psychological Association (APA). APA is used for psychology, social sciences, anthropology & business. For APA single spacing after periods was normal (although dual spacing was allowed) and for MLA dual spacing was normal.

As an engineer I have always double spaced. Don't think I can/will ever change.

Also, I have way too many things to worry about.  Especially the grammar police and especially the grammar police on the internet...
I use an android tablet and chrome. Chrome will automatically insert a period if I type 2 spaces. That's much easier than typing a period and then a space. I'll continue using 2 spaces.
Ex-Calif said:
.. there are two major styles - Modern Language Association (MLA) and American Psychological Association (APA).

I wonder what that textbook's author would call the corrupted linguistic style brought about by the texting phenomenon?  Phrases like "Ur gona have to come up with a good name for that" make me cringe and despair for our written language.
And I'm another incorrigible double-spacer.
Gary RV_Wizard said:
Another double-spacer here, though I sometimes forget.  Then when I proof read what I wrote, any missing double-space sticks out like a sore thumb (in my mind, anyway).

Yes...this also!  I think this is another reason I will never give up my double space.  It just plain looks wrong.  It looks "crowded".  It just ain't right!  Here here for the double spacers!!

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