Odd names

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I knew a guy who went by L G Smith*. When anybody asked what the L.G. stood for, he would reply "Nothing. I don't have a first or middle name, just initials." Frequently, when filling out forms, he would be told that his full name was required. He would then put down his name as L(only) G(only) Smith.

It was funny how much mail he received. addressed to Lonly Gonly Smith.

*Last name was changed here to protect his identity.

When my kids went to a city school, they had tons of unique names. (I think Unique was one of them lol)
One family had Michael, CyMichael, Little Michael (that was his name), Michael (that they pronounced MY-kell), and one more that I can't remember. Another fun fact about the family, same dad, mom of #1, 3, and 5 was the sister to mom of #2 and #4, who was pregnant when we left there.)

When I was looking at adopting, I would look for sibling groups online. I saw one set of twins named Jeff and Jeffrey and I saw another set of twins named Nathan and Nathaniel.
When our twin daughters were born a few weeks early, the hospital initially put "Baby A" and "Baby B" plus our last name on their ankle bracelets. When we gave the hospital the first names we had chosen, they just replaced the word "Baby" with them, and no one asked us about middle names before their birth certificates were made out and registered. So they ended up with just the initials 'A' and 'B' as their legal middle "names", and when we found out we would have to go to court to get a name change to fix it, we decided to just leave them that way. That has caused some minor issues as they've grown up and had to convince people that really was their middle names, but as teens and adults, they've just seen it as a bit unique. They blame it on being born in the 60's, and we've told them to just be grateful we didn't name them something like "Dweezil" and "Moon Unit"... ;)
One of my fraternity brother's name is Harsh. Odd to us but common in his culture. Whenever anyone would say something like "Oh, that's harsh" he would inevitably come around the corner out of nowhere. Always made me think of how Lenny and Squiggy would bust open the door with a "Hello" when Laverne or Shirley would say something like "That's the most disgusting thing I've ever seen", LOL.
When I was in college, our Dorm President was Charles Roast - but everyone called him Chuck.  ;D ;D
Great Horned Owl said:
I knew a guy who went by L G Smith*. When anybody asked what the L.G. stood for, he would reply "Nothing. I don't have a first or middle name, just initials." Frequently, when filling out forms, he would be told that his full name was required. He would then put down his name as L(only) G(only) Smith.

It was funny how much mail he received. addressed to Lonly Gonly Smith.

*Last name was changed here to protect his identity.

TA Duckworth (from Wisconsin has only a last name.
I worked with a woman whose last name was Bender. Her husband's name was Richard.  Yep, Dick Bender.
Then there were the Hiney brothers Red and Thor.
On our family site, we have a couple of threads on names.  I work at a community college and we get students, and a lot of staff actually, from all over the world.  I run across a lot of odd names.  I'll try to pluck a few of the good ones out.
We had a neighbor with a 2 year old daughter "Chicken Nugget" all one first name, not the last name. No nickname, like Chickie or anything.
In high school we had a German history teacher named Mr Wiener. Nice guy, but still got chuckles from most of the adolescent boys.  Then part way through the school year, his wife had a baby boy. Named him "Harry". 

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