Odd names

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SargeW said:
In high school we had a German history teacher named Mr Wiener. Nice guy, but still got chuckles from most of the adolescent boys.  Then part way through the school year, his wife had a baby boy. Named him "Harry".

I would have named him Little.  ;D ;D ;D
SeilerBird said:
Back in the early 60s Mad magazine had a feature known as liner humor. In the white space lining each page they would put in a one liner joke. One issue featured theoretical names like what would you get if Clara Barton married Yogi Berra? Clara Berra. At the local Publix there is a checker named Abby. I asked her if she was going to marry Randy Rhoads. She said no and I told her she should then she would be Abby Rhoads.

Back when Grease and Saturday Night Fever were the thing, a buddy of mine said that if Olivia Newton John would marry John Travolta that she would be Olivia Newton John Travolta.
Old_Crow said:
Back when Grease and Saturday Night Fever were the thing, a buddy of mine said that if Olivia Newton John would marry John Travolta that she would be Olivia Newton John Travolta.
In the 70s I ran into OLN face to face and froze. Man she is beautiful. I did not talk to her, she asked me to move since I was in her way. This was at the artists entrance to a Paul McCartney concert. I was standing between two parked limos and she was headed for the entrance. She then stopped about ten feet away from me and talked to a cop. I took a photo of her and the cop but I butchered it in my dark room. I was walking out of a restroom in Disneyland and ran smack into John Travolta. I stood outside the restroom waiting for my girlfriend, sister and BIL to exit the bathrooms and John comes out and walks up to me and starts talking to me. Meanwhile his girlfriend and my friends all joined in on the conversations. John and I talked for about 15 minutes and he was about as nice a person as you would ever want to meet.
Arch Hoagland said:
My dentist was Dr Lipps and another dentist in town who specialized in extractions was Dr Slaughter.
I am a retired dentist. During my career I have known other dentists named Payne and Hertz. I also knew an orthodontist named Wrench and an endodontist (root canal specialist) named Reams. And then there were two guys who practiced together: Dr. Cure and Dr. Croakem. Wouldn't it be cool if three oral surgeons, Dr. Howe, Dr. Yankem and Dr. Dewey started a group oral surgery practice called Dewey, Yankem and Howe Oral Surgeons?
Punomatic said:
Wouldn't it be cool if three oral surgeons, Dr. Howe, Dr. Yankem and Dr. Dewey started a group oral surgery practice called Dewey, Yankem and Howe Oral Surgeons?

There was a dental practice in my hometown staffed by Drs. Hale, Sleet, and Snowe.
I went to grade school with a Peter Peter. No lie.
Reminded me of the lyrics to Johnny Cash's "A Boy Named Sue". I think due to his name he became a tough kid and he'd beat the crap outta anybody saying "pumpkin eater".
Don't know what his parents were thinking on that one.
Punomatic said:
IWouldn't it be cool if three oral surgeons, Dr. Howe, Dr. Yankem and Dr. Dewey started a group oral surgery practice called Dewey, Yankem and Howe Oral Surgeons?

Sounds like a takeoff on the "Dewey,  Cheatham and Howe" law firm the Three Stooges invented in the 1930s.  Tom and Ray Magliozzi (the Tappet Brothers) later adopted it as the name of the company that produced their Car Talk radio program.
Harry Baals was the mayor of Fort Wayne, In back in the 50's. He even has a street named after him.
My DW wife worked with a guy name Chris P. Nuss.
When our 4th son was born, my wife told my mother she was thinking of naming him Dustin Richard. My mother chuckled and said he would have an unusual nickname. He got named Dustin Tyler instead.
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