Poor English, spelling and grammar.

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Active member
Jun 15, 2010
I realize that this is the friendliest place but I have to vent. Why are we letting people use the word ain't?  What happened to proper spelling and grammar?  If we do not correct them then they will remain ignorant in life. 
So, proper english, spelling and grammar determines whether a person is ignorant or not?

Sixty four years old, two successful careers, and I just now learn I'm ignorant.

Ain't life great!  Woops.  Guess I'll now be banned as "ignorant" people are not allowed to post.

:'( :'( :'(
I guess most of us are ignorant and not politically correct.  Shame on us.  Ignorance is bliss.
Given a choice I would rather communicate accurately than spell accurately. If you understand what I tried to say, then I am happy.
So, after all these here years, I've got to chunk my dictionary away? :-\
Page 25 of my Webster's New Collegiate Dictionary has lied to me. :'(

Oh, I see that it's government issued. That explains that ;)
unclebuck123 said:
I realize that this is the friendliest place but I have to vent. Why are we letting people use the word ain't?  What happened to proper spelling and grammar?  If we do not correct them then they will remain ignorant in life.

If you are SO concerned with grammar, then maybe you need to check yourself. You have poor grammar in your very fist sentence of your post. There is supposed to be a comma between the words "place" and "but".

Guess you ain't all that perfect after all.
Please, give me a break, school is out and at 66 years old I spell it as I can remember it, if I remember it at all.  The forum is about rv's and fun.  aint that right.
Any language is more often improperly spoken first which is often the results of local dialects or expressions.  With time it becomes part of the written language as well.  It's part of the evolution/degradation of any language.
Our community ad-paid for newspaper has a fairly lively letters-to-the-editor section, especially at election time. There are hardly any limits other than length and frequency of post. At the last election, when things got really hot and heavy, there was a public discussion in the editorial section between the editor and the publisher; one wanting to edit spelling, grammar and punctuation so as not to cause any embarrassment and/or to correct obvious mistakes, the other wanting to publish as received since that helps provide the flavor of the writer. They decided to publish as received but the beginning of the letters section includes the disclaimer that there will be no corrections. 8)
[quote author=tvman44]
.........  Shame on us.  Ignorance is bliss.

If this is true, then I may just be the worlds biggest "blister", or would that be "blisster"?  I ain't sure?

I read your post just after you entered it (before any replies).  I thought about responding, but realized it would not help.  I could foresee the ridicule coming your way.  Marc is correct.  Perhaps you can take some solace in the fact that many who defend the errors in their grammar and spelling are unaware of the mistakes.  After many years; spelling errors, punctuation mistakes, and poor grammar still jump out at me when I see them in writing.  However, I have come to the conclusion that, most of the time, it is a question of communicating.  Do I understand the message?  The people on the Forum are not writing as a profession; they are simply trying to communicate.
You probably know that you cannot change the degradation of language, but you do not have to be pulled down to that level.  I recommend that you ignore the responses, put it behind you, and happily live your life.
The word ain't is in my trusty old Webster. It's also popular with us southerners, in an informal kind of way.

But y'all might not realize that, if y'all ain't ever talked to  southerners much.

Maybe you could be our instant online corrections editor, that is,  if you're willing to be available 24/7 around the clock, because some folks like me, post in the middle of the night, when we ain't sleeping.  ;D 

We being the puppy and I, (or puppy and me. )

I must admit though, when folks throw up web pages about their business, it does irritate me, when they don't proof read and make corrections.  More than a few RV parks list their "quite hours" rather than quiet hours, on their webpage.

One RV Park on the internet,  boasts a beautiful  lake and reads down at the bottom, like a foot note,  "because of the new alligator we now longer allow swimming."  I thought that was  kind of comical, until I realized it was the same park I happened to be camping in.

There ain't signs at the campground lake, about this alligator, and there I was walking my puppy around the lake several times during my stay!  When I saw that on the website, about the "new" alligator, I moved out hastily, after realizing most of the campers, during my stay,  appeared to be empty of any human life, even though they looked nearly new and recently parked. 

A ghost town RV park?

I shudder to think who or what is at the bottom of the lake (or the bottom of the alligator tummy.)  :-\

Taint be good... 

So I put that place on my "don't ever go back"  list.  :eek:

By the way, you are also missing a comma in your last sentence between "them" and "then"

If we do not correct them then they will remain ignorant in life.

I don't believe bad spelling and grammar always equals "ignorant in life".  My old lover is a renown pathologist,specializing in the correct diagnosis of cancer,  yet he can't type, spells erratically and suffers from dyslexia. Yet, his accurate results in the lab, has saved lives that were literally waiting on the operating table, for results, as well as saved many from needless surgery when results were benign. Fortunately, "ignorant" people like him, can readily afford professional  transcribers. 

I guess we can't all be perfect, all the time. Tolerance goes a long way in having a happy life.

I believe, if you talk to anyone for more than ten minutes, you realize they are crazy too... 

I think we are confusing casual language with formal language. 

When I must, I can write a document that is grammatically correct and typically has few spelling errors (thanks to my word processor's spell checker.)    When I am on a forum or in a chat room, I don't feel the necessity to be grammatically correct or pay as close attention as I could to my spelling.  In such an informal environment, I feel it is much more important to get my message across and to have fun.

For the record, I feel the same way about email and short message.  Both are tools to get a message across in as few words as possible.  If I wanted to communicate formally, I would use a letter.

I have much more heartburn about people posting signs that are misspelled or grammatically incorrect. 

For example: 



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This subject has been beat up rather handily in prior posts.  However, misspellings are one thing, while simply using the wrong word is quite another.  I offer the following, with a  :) and a big  ;D .

There is no excuse for someone, who has progressed past the 5th grade, even in the worst of our public schools, to use and abuse the written language with the use of the following;

there for their
there or their for they're
are for our
your for you're
were for we're
to for too or two or ...any combination
supposably for supposedly
site for cite or sight or ...again, any combination

It just ain't right, yet you see it often, and it is a sign of ignorance.

BTW - Ignorance can be corrected, stupidity cannot.
X-Treme said:
If you are SO concerned with grammar, then maybe you need to check yourself. You have poor grammar in your very fist sentence of your post. There is supposed to be a comma between the words "place" and "but".

In my high school English class umpty ump years ago, I learned his first post is a compound sentence connected by a conjunction so  no comma is needed. 


unclebuck123 said:
Why are we letting people use the word ain't?

What do you want the moderators to do...ban them, fine them, kill them, auto-respell or correct them...What????

THIS SOUNDS MORE LIKE A PERSONAL PREFERENECE OR PET PEEVE JUST LIKE I CANT STAND IT WHEN FOLKS TYPE IN ALL CAPS or just continue to type throwing in spaces but never ever use any type of punctuation ever often times you have to read their post 5 or 6 times to try and figure out what they are sayin but eventually sometimes i figure it out

;D ;D ;D

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