Poor English, spelling and grammar.

The friendliest place on the web for anyone with an RV or an interest in RVing!
If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
The word "have" in the first sentence of the original post is improperly used.  The correct term would be "must".  The word "have" should be followed by a noun.  Just sayin . . .
My, oh, my!!  ???

Is this a sensitive topic or what?  :eek:

I strongly suspect that the people who should be reading it will miss some of the nuances since it surely does not apply to them, anyway.  8)
EKB said:
This topic feels like a bad case of spring fever.

There is 3 feet of snow between me and spring, but the spring fever is very well present.  Even went snowshoeing last week to check out a new seasonal campsite and I'm shopping for boat parts, but the lake is frozen.
unclebuck123 said:
I realize that this is the friendliest place but I have to vent. Why are we letting people use the word ain't?  What happened to proper spelling and grammar?  If we do not correct them then they will remain ignorant in life.

My issue with the OP is the sentence;  If we do not correct them then they will remain ignorant in life.  In my book learning years, if you used a pronoun, in this case, them, then you have to have the noun to which it referred in the same sentence.

unclebuck123 said:
I realize that this is the friendliest place but I have to vent. Why are we letting people use the word ain't?  What happened to proper spelling and grammar?  If we do not correct them then they will remain ignorant in life. 

Ain't no grammer poleece in this here 4um.

Even though poor Uncle Buck has been getting slammed for bringing up the subject, he is correct in one respect:  We all need to write what we want to say in a way that will be understood by the recipients.  I've been noticing a lot of recent entries on this RV Forum with all lower case, no punctuation, and a lot of abbreviations.  I assume these are written by people who do a lot of texting and use shortcuts.  That's fine if it's the norm within the group, but on a public forum such as this we probably need to pay more attention to what we are writing.  For example, the use of TV drives me nuts because I tend to think of a TV as a television set whereas a lot of people are using it to mean Tow Vehicle!  We need to make sure our abbreviations are clear or spell it out.  If we have to read a paragraph six times to understand it, it probably should not have been written in the first place because it is not understood.  We all get in a hurry on occasion and make mistakes but I, for one, would appreciate a little more clarity in some of the postings.  That's my two cents worth!  ::)

There is so much bad in the best of us and so much good in the worst of us that it ill behooves any of us to talk about the rest of us. :-\
Unfortunately, a misspelled or misused word can change the meaning of a sentence, so attention to what we write is important.  Since everyone posting to this forum is, by definition, using a browser, and all popular browsers have spell checkers, there is no excuse for misspellings.

Personally, I treat everything I write, from letters to forum postings to emails, as being important enough to ensure that what I write is clear and understandable.  The medium is irrelevant, the message is not.
We have folks here from English-speaking countries where the "spelling" is different, not to mention that words or phrases and have quite different meanings.
Edit: Fixed typo.
The browser spell checkers can be made specific to the country of the user.  Since most or all of our users post in English of some variation, minor spelling differences due to country of origin are a minor problem.  I have no problem with color vs. colour, for instance, even though the latter shows as a misspelling in my browser.  Slang is a different problem altogether.
There's nothing in your browser or other spellchecker that will deal with the dual/multiple meanings of words or phrases  ;)
Tom said:
We have folks here from English-speaking countries where the "spelling" is different, not to mention that words or phrases and quite different meanings.

I noticed that while stationed in the UK. The people over there had funny accents, and spelled different. They even had a bonnet, a boot, and wings on their cars.  ;D
LOL Lee, there are  lots more examples quoted here in the forum. Folks have told me for 40 years that I have a funny accent, and I reply with "so do you"  ;D
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