Prayers and healing thoughts requested for Bev Maxwell

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Well-known member
Mar 4, 2005
Hondo, TX
Howdy, Framily.
This post is a request for prayers and healing thoughts for Beverly Maxwell, the wife of our Virtual Campfire host,  Bob Maxwell. Bev is seriously ill.  I just found this out today. Bob is devastated, of course. He could use some prayers, too.  Thanks.

Liz Pearce
Liz, thanks for the heads up.  We'll keep them both in our hearts and prayers.

Thanks for posting Liz. Our prayers and thoughts are with Bev and Bob.

Tom and Chris
Dearest Maxwell Family,

Sending good wishes and much prayer your way.  My your journey to recovery be speedy! 
Betty and Terry
Our thoughts and prayers are with both Bob and Bev.

God Bless
Wendy and Mike
Bev and Bob,

Our thoughts and prayers are with you both.  May Gods healing and comforting powers be bestowed upon you both.
Dear Framily, the result of Bev's CT Scan on Sunday is in.

The scan revealed that Bev has a mass in her left breast that has metastasized into her lungs. The Dr?s office made an appointment at UNMH in the Oncology dept for next Tue afternoon that I am trying to speed up. We have a diagnosis but not to the fullest extent as they only scaned her chest. Complete diagnosis and prognosis as soon as we know. All prayers welcome!

Utimate prognosis: Complete healing of her body, mind and soul in the presence of our Lord.

On the way out one of the nurses said, "Cheer up, it isn't the end of the world!" To which she beamed at her and said, "Oh, I'm looking forward to the end of the world, that's easy, our Lord will end it all. It's this battle ahead I'm not looking forward to!

Bob Maxwell said:
On the way out one of the nurses said, "Cheer up, it isn't the end of the world!" To which she beamed at her and said, "Oh, I'm looking forward to the end of the world, that's easy, our Lord will end it all. It's this battle ahead I'm not looking forward to!

Good on her.  Cindy and I send our best wishes and prayers to you both.

Bob and Bev

Our thoughts and prayers are with both of you.
To both Bob & Bev,

We hope all of the prayers and good thoughts from the framily will be heard and bring the good results you both want and deserve.

May God bless you both,

Jerry & Arlyne Ray
Prayers and thought be with Bob and Bev.  We for sure know that Prayers do help after the fiasco we recently went thru with our Son.  We thank all of you and will say an extra  prayer for Bev.
We pray for God's speed in helping Bev and Bob.  I truly believe that the power of prayer can and has helped so many for so many years.  Let us stop for just a second at 6:00PM anytime zone to ask for our lords help. 
Joe Bee
My thoughts and prayers are with both of you.

Her good attitude is important.
Faith, positive attitude, unpretensious, intelligent, attractive and sexy. She has the whole package and I'll do everything possible to see that she has more years with us all. I married up and I know it! ;)

Thank you, framily . . .

A bit late but finally.  Pat's and my prayers and thoughts are with you both in this.  Been there, done that.  Take care of yourself as she will need you more than ever.  It is great to see you starting off with the right attitude and I know that that helps along with all the prayers.

God speed in your fight with the dragon.

Pat & Jim


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