Quartzsite 06 Forum Rally

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Will there be any young'ns in the group. We have a 3 1/2 yr old....[br]Date Posted: December 10, 2005, 11:06:49 PMWill there be any young'ns in the group?. We have a 3 1/2 yr old....
RobertandKiki said:
Will there be any young'ns in the group. We have a 3 1/2 yr old....


I can't remember ever seeing a "young'n" at our gatherings but there are lots of potential grandparents ;D ;D  Anyways, not to worry, everything we do is G rated.
We're not worried about what goes on, just don't want to be out of place. We tend to stay to ourselves somewhat. He won't be a problem for anyone and was my first child at 52! Hence, not fulltimers... :)
Thank You, Ron & All for making us feel welcome. Looking forward to the trip as we aren't on a time schedule just think we'll miss the bigger crowds the first weekend ...
Is there any scheduling of events with in the QZ rally?  In particular, do we have a date for The Potluck?
Right now we are scheduling ourselves to arrive on Jan 26 and taking ovff on Jan 30.  However, we can still reschedule.  We will be over in Blythe on the 21st thru 25th to take in the Bluegrass and a bit of river ratting.
The only scheduled event is the pot luck on Saturday, Jan. 28th.
Karl said:
And coffee and baked goodies most every day in the early morning. Look for the small "OPEN" neon sign - it'll tell you when the coffee is ready :D

This rally is getting WAAY too sophisticated!!!!! ;D ;D ;D
Jim Dick said:
This rally is getting WAAY too sophisticated!!!!! ;D ;D ;D

Jim, you'll just have to come out and lead some four wheel adventures!

currently in Dongguan, China where driving is a different knd of adventure

Ken & Sheila said:
Jim, you'll just have to come out and lead some four wheel adventures!

currently in Dongguan, China where driving is a different knd of adventure

Hi Ken,

Would love to lead some trips but afraid it won't happen for a couple of years. We should be back out there in 2007/08.

I'll bet driving there IS an adventure! I know it was in Taiwan and Japan many years ago. ;D

We can always count on you for adding a wrinkle. ;D ;D ;D

Actually it's probably a good idea. I never knew when the coffee was ready unless someone was out there. Just be sure it's visible by all. ;D
Does this mean Karl is making the coffee this year?
Whoa, youse guys!

Geez, give 'em one sheet of t.p. and they want the whole roll ;D Maybe I should just prepare a separate tray for each coach with coffee and scones, the morning paper, and a fresh rose! Oh; and a silver bell so you can just ring for a coffee refill.  Ain't gonna happen :-*
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