Question on fiberglass cap

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Well-known member
Jun 11, 2012
I was cleaning my MH this afternoon and I found a couple of very small cracks on the front fiberglass cap lower area that are at what i described in the beginning stage, just like a cut.  They are 1/8 - 1/4 inch wide. What I can do to avoid a bigger problem?  Should I put proflex or silicone over them to avoid a leak? Any other ideas to avoid they get bigger?
A 1/8"-1/4" gap?  That is huge and I would be alarmed. No reason for that much cracking on an almost new roof cap.
Definitely seal it - you don't want water intrusion.
I agree spiderweb like cracks in fiberglass are common as it ages, anything bigger is a cause for concern.
Agree with the other responses especially kdbgoat, I too would be calling the manufacturer.  You might consider taking photos before sealing as Gary suggested then perhaps after sealing to fully document.
Are they 1/4" wide or 1/4" long.  Or are they small stress cracks 1/4" apart from each other. If they are 1/4" wide that's a huge hole. We need more info.
What would you recommend to seal them? Proflex? Silicone?
If they are 1/8 to 1/4 inch wide I would be looking for structural causes not a bandaid fix with sealant.
If you look at the Coachmen website in contact us tab, there are phone numbers of people to talk to. Wayne used to be the person I dealt with, but he's not there now. It looks like a gentleman named Jason is the person that you would talk to now. If Jason is half as helpful as Wayne was, you should have no problems getting straight answers. I have just as good of service from Coachmen as I hear folks do from Tiffan.
Yes seal it now until another solution appears. Do NOT use silicone, there are many better acrylic based sealers available
Proflex would be a good choice, but so is Dicor lap sealant or most any exterior-grade window & door sealant. Silicone would work, but is well down the list of choices.
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