Real exciting weekend.

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Rene T

Site Team
May 20, 2011
Farmington NH
It all started on Thursday. Got up and started seeing blood in my urine. I let it go because as the day went on there was less and less. Went to bed without any blood visible. Got up Friday and some blood had come back. Called my PCP and he had me go to the hospital and do some labs.
WEnt back home and started seeing a lot of blood and had real bad pains in my left groin area and my left side back. I thought I had picked up something real heavy and strained myself. Finally around 5 PM the pain was really bad so Decided to go to the ER. They did all kinds of test and a CT Scan and decided it was a kidney stone and I probably passed it and that’s why there was blood. They sent me home. With pain meds.
Got up Saturday morning and my urine was solid red so I went back to the ER. They called in a neurologist and was decided that a stint needed to be put in up through my penis and went from my bladder to the left kidney. There was and area that was swollen and infected so they thought that was where the stone was before it broke free. They put me out and I didn’t feel a thing. They admitted me for the night to keep an eye on me.
My daughter did not want my DW to spend the night by herself so had her drive to their house to spend the night. She got out of the car and stepped back and tripped and fell hurting her foot. The next morning she went to the same ER where I was at and they took a X-Ray and sure enough she broke her foot. Long story short, they did released me last night and we are both home on the mend. She has to make a appointment today to see a specialist and I need to make one to have the stint removed.
What a nice Mother’s Day weekend.
Hi Rene,

Sorry for less than perfect (no doubt painful) mothers day weekend. Also sorry about your daughter as well. Guess when it rains it pours. I tend to cringe when I hear what they have to do in order to correct such problems.

Having had a family member who had blood in their urine, keep a close eye out for continued blood in the urine. It could be a more serious sign!! Praying your ordeal is over. Drink lots of beer (ahh water to clean things out) Better luck!
It wasn’t my daughter who broke her foot, it was my wife at my daughters house.
As far as me, there is a lot less blood this morning.
Sorry to hear that Rene (for both of you). What a bummer of a weekend. Hope you'll both be on the mend soon. I fear the broken foot may take a while.
You had a bad day and I can sympathize.

It is less common in women but I've had a half dozen women tell me their kidney stone hurt worse than childbirth. 3 years ago I thought I had bad gas pains for 2 weeks then one night it got so bad I could barely walk. The ER gave me a shot of Toradol and 2 shots of morphine before the pain subsided. I guess the pain subsided. I really don't remember ;)

I had an 8mm stone that had to be surgically removed by going up you know what and took the surgeon 4 hours. After that I passed blood for 10 days and had extreme pain when urinating. Then, almost a year to the day I had a stone in the other kidney :( Luckily it was small enough to pass the next day without surgery.

The urologist said you can have a stone building up for decades without knowing it. The pain comes mostly from the urethra so you don't feel the stone until it tries to pass. He said I'm clear now but drink lots of water but no beer because it is high in oxalates :(
Sorry for the bad weekend, yikes. Praise that it didn't happen while traveling (y). Good luck to you and DW for a speedy recovery.
When I read up on gout, I recall a passage saying that beer (with brewer's yeast, high in purines) can also contribute to kidney stones & gall stones. Still not sure whether I have gout, it may have just been the foot fracture or whatever, but I quit drinking beer just in case... quite an adjustment, believe me, since I drank beer for decades. Meh, I can still drink wine (different fermentation process), and rum or blue agave tequila, so it's not all bad news... no hard liquors distilled from grains, those are also verboten. OP, sounds like you had a lousy weekend, the kind where nothing goes right. Moi, I started my morning today with a plumbing problem, but it was a house problem, not my own plumbing, lol. I'd do like others suggested and keep an eye on that urine... gotta do it anyway so as not to hit the floor, lol. Good luck!
Rene, maybe you should have stayed in Florida another month, or not. Likely would have happened in any case. Like they say, getting older isn't for the faint of heart. You 2 take care and heal up.

If we didn’t hold back two days because of rain storms, this wouldn’t have happened with Lucille. I still would have ended up with stone issue.
Never had one of those kidney stones and hope I never do
Wife had one... Easter weekend she spent in the hospital...
Well being in the choir I had to go to church... Multiple masses that Sunday (of course) Choir at all of 'em) Picked her up between the last two (Church is back door to the hospital as it turns out or rather close to that).
When I read up on gout, I recall a passage saying that beer (with brewer's yeast, high in purines) can also contribute to kidney stones & gall stones. Still not sure whether I have gout, it may have just been the foot fracture or whatever, but I quit drinking beer just in case... quite an adjustment, believe me, since I drank beer for decades. Meh, I can still drink wine (different fermentation process), and rum or blue agave tequila, so it's not all bad news... no hard liquors distilled from grains, those are also verboten. OP, sounds like you had a lousy weekend, the kind where nothing goes right. Moi, I started my morning today with a plumbing problem, but it was a house problem, not my own plumbing, lol. I'd do like others suggested and keep an eye on that urine... gotta do it anyway so as not to hit the floor, lol. Good luck!
I get gout in my big toe about once a month. Sometimes beer is involved sometimes not. Beef and seafood can also contribute to a gout outbreak. When I feel my big toe getting sore I visit the local emergent care and get the medication. I have been told by the medical folks that if I am going to drink beer, eat beef and/or seafood to drink plenty of water to flush my system out.
Yeah, I copy that... I'm not really sure if I have gout, but I pulled some research and made a list of foods which contribute to gout flares, and foods which help decrease the chance of gout flares. I figure, meh, better safe than sorry, and some of the changes are undoubtedly beneficial in other ways. I miss my cold beer, but I'm drinking some vino right now, some 'Moscato' (I call it 'Skeeter'). It's not bad after a warm day in the high desert, lol.

One thing I also started doing: drinking plenty of water at night. You see, I felt like I wasn't drinking enough water during the day, so I started placing a big ol' jug of water near my bedside and hitting it whenever I woke up thirsty, yeah? I mean guzzling water too, long draughts to make up for not drinking enough water during the day. That adopted trick has helped me stay hydrated, though it does mean more nocturnal trips to the bathroom, lol.

I think staying hydrated is key in order to prevent many ailments, and if this is what it takes for me to do that, well, then that's what I do. Cheers!!! :)
About 40 years ago, I went through 4 kidney stone attacks in a period of about two years. After the 3rd attack, my urologist sent me to see another urologist who was "the world's expert" on the causes of kidney stones. Had me collect a full 3 days output of urine, and then took some blood samples.

He ended up with a huge stack of computer printout. His conclusion was that "there is no reason that you should be having kidney stones." Two months later, I had another. After that episode, my urologist told me "Some people claim that cranberry juice prevents kidney stones. Personally, I've always thought that's an old wives tale, but it can't hurt."

I started drinking a daily glass of cranberry juice, and I've never had another kidney stone. I'm not entirely convinced that it was the cranberry juice that hat prevented kidney stones for the last 40 years, but considering how painfut the stones are, I don't intend on quitind, in order to find out.

Excellent point, GHO, cranberry juice is great for any urinary tract problems, or problems with the organs of elimination (liver, kidneys, gall bladder). I drink a blend of cranberry & cherry juice, and I buy the 'diet' version since so many fruit juices have tons of added sugar. Berries & cherries have known health benefits, so perhaps those "old wives' tales" are on the money, lol. Moi, I'm not a fan of Big Pharma, so I'll take the old school home remedies over the chemical cr@p any day of the week. I eat a lot of raw foods and drink plenty of homemade smoothies too, using fresh fruit in the blender, and those help cleanse the system. Enzyme nutrition is the real deal, lol... Cheers!!!
Rene really sorry to hear of your medical issues, how awful. I hope you're both feeling better soon.

Kidney stones can also occur if you take a log of medication, the tablets can be made of calcium carbonate. It's recommend that you drink plenty of water with the meds.

Steve had blood in urine thinking it was just infections. Eventually he had it checked and doc said a stone which althoug borderline, should pass on it's own. That was around Christmas 2016. We flew to London in the May of 2017 and just before we boarded our flight to Vegas he felt very unwell. He thought the stone was moving. Luckily it calmed down and we got on flight. He had a few times of not feeling great over our 6 month trip. When we came home and he had to contact the doc to tell him he still had it. A few days before the appointment, January 2018, it came out in 2 bits. Whew. He said it was sore.
Thank you Jackie. Yes it is very painful and I only had one. No idea how big it was because they think it passed already. Now I’ve got that stint to deal with. The 1st night home I was getting up every 20 minutes to go to the bathroom . Not much sleep that night. Tonight I’m able to go 1 hour before I get up to go. And when I go it’s not much. Got a little bit of sleep tonight. Hopefully the trips between the bathroom gets longer every night. I have to call the Docs today to make a appointment to have the stint remove. They say it only takes a minute. They go up and grab onto a piece of string and pull it out. I’m sure the string is the size of dental floss but it will probably feel like a old piece of rope about 1” diameter.

As far as mother, she broke the bone going to her little toe about 5” back. The orthopedic guru yesterday put her in a boot. She gave it about 1 month before she can take it off then I assume therapy.

Tough getting old. Have a great day. 👍👍👍❤️❤️❤️
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I guess as illness and injury go you both got off lightly.

I stubbed a little toe a few years ago and it was incredibly painful so I hope Lucille has a few painkillers. You take care of each other 🥰
I guess as illness and injury go you both got off lightly.

I stubbed a little toe a few years ago and it was incredibly painful so I hope Lucille has a few painkillers. You take care of each other 🥰

Oh yes, it could be a lot worse . The problem with her is that it’s her right foot so she won’t be able to drive. Now if you ship me one of your cars, she could drive them. 😅😂🤣
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