Restrictions on Outside Paint Job?

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If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
There is a possibility that his word was a typo.  Was it be Snobs?  I think his was a sad thread post.
Back to the OP's post, I'd love to see the finished paint job in the daylight. :)
carson said:
There is a possibility that his word was a typo.  Was it be Snobs?  I think his was a sad thread post.

Probably so, Carson. But then, a snob is most likely a snubber, and a snubber most certainly would be a snob.  :)

There "is" a valid reason for owners to build or convert a park to all Class A - and they have every right to do so. They are gearing the park sites to large rigs needing a lot of room, power, and amenities for those types of rigs. They are also gearing the rate structure to those types of rigs. They "could" take some of the available space in the original design and set aside sites for tents and smaller rigs. However, they can make more money with just the larger sites. The business plan would include an analysis of what type of RV's would be coming to their park and so forth.

I worked with a park client several years back that only had 4 such - larger geared to Class A rigs. It was a constant hassle. Once they were filled, they had to turn away the next larger Class A. Once the smaller sites were taken, they were forced to rent or refuse to rent the larger sites to small rigs - so when the next larger rig came in, they had to turn the away.

But none of this has anything to do with the type of folks that go to any type of park vs. other types of parks. I have camped beside huge RV's and beat up small rigs - and find nice folks in some and snob/snubs in others. But never a park full of either . . .  :)
Ah, I never imagined so many comments from my original post looking for the member's opinions! But I appreciate everyone's input and help. Due to LIFE getting in my way I have yet to take my outdoor pictures. I am posting my before (to remind you of where this started) and after pics I took inside the building so you can get the idea of how it turned out. The lighting doesn't do it justice, but you can get the general idea. We did book four months next winter for Mississippi and Florida and this is what we encountered. (Granted we were not even attempting to go for the "resort" type park, just places that seemed cool and laid back) The first two didn't care at all that the thing was old, just stated that it must be in good repair and not be a leaking rust-bucket. The third one went dead silent for about fifteen seconds when we said it was thirty years old - - then requested we send pictures of all four sides. Got a call back that everything was fine and they couldn't wait to see it in person. We had to send one picture to the last place who also said they had no problem with it. So far so good!

You can see that it isn't perfect, there are a couple spots with small bulges, and nicks and bruises, the cab paint is rough and will need a real good buffing,but that is fine with me. We weren't looking to make as it just came out of the factory-wanted to make it our own and keep enjoying it. For sentimental reasons I added "Riviera Cruiser 2010" on one side of the cab-not to try to make anyone think this is a 2010 model haha, but that we got married in 2010 on the old family pontoon boat made by that company. Also tikiman in front is in rememberance of my late father. In fact this whole thing is just one big sappy symbolic mess! Anyone who follows Kenny Chesney gets the reference on the back. Pictures will come in two posts since the files are large and I don't know how to fix it.


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Thanks!  Those were the fullsize views I was hoping to see.

It is very tasteful and well-executed.

I REALLY like how the paint also makes the appliance and storage doors disappear....but my eye also wants to see the "tan" stripe carried across the cab as well!
Thanks. Yes I considered many times to carry it over, but didn't have alot of faith with trying to spray the paint on the metal whereas the rest of it was just brushed and easy to do. I didn't want to go buy a sprayer for such a small area. I don't mind the "painterly" look on the fiberglass, but on the cab not so sure. I also sort of like that head on the thing looks pretty plain. I suppose that in the future if it eats away at me I will go ahead and finish it off. Right now I am ready to quit working and start enjoying!
Looks like you need to kick back with a Mai Tai and enjoy your work!
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