RV travel still beats airline travel ?

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Jan 13, 2005
I read lots of messages (including my own) about soaring fuel prices and how they will put a crimp in travel plans. Many of us have been saying for years that we're glad to be rid of airline travel and hotel living. But, has the continual increase in fuel prices changed the equation?

Anyone checked out hotel prices lately? I have no idea what's happening in that industry, but I always shake my head when I pass the signs for motel chains that were named after their once-low prices (Motel x), and realize those days were gone a long time ago. Maybe they should change their names to Motel xx or Motel xxx.

Meanwhile, I read/hear that air fares keep going up and airlines are finding lots of creative ways to add surcharges. One report I saw last week discussed several examples where the surcharges equaled or exceeded the ticket price. So, maybe RV travel is still the more viable option  ???
I just read an article where the AAA is forecasting approximately a 1% reduction in travel this Memorial Day. That is not much of a reduction, in my book. Apparently, people still have gobs of travel money.

The airlines are, and have been, out, for me. Not going there.

Taking two to three hours, getting through security, followed by ten hours waiting on the bird to be cleared for takeoff - no AC - no toilet - etc, and rude treatment all the way?  PRICELESS!!!

Last flight I took, from DC to Boise, I got  to the airport in DC five hours early. (The only ride I could get to the airport, that day.) The plane was two hours late, and we barely made it aboard in time. I was a physical wreck by the time I boarded. Never again.  ::)

Well take the MH, thank you. I can beat the plane there!

Ray D  ;D
Don't forget the airlines' increasing the cost of an extra piece of luggage.....I can take all I want with me in the MH.

If I didn't have all those frequent flyer miles to use, I'd probably never set foot on a plane again.

I travel a fair amount for work using air, car rental & hotels for 1-2 weeks trips.  I tend to stay in 3.5 to 4 star hotels.  They are ranging $70 to $100/night, www.hotels.com is a good guide.  Meals run ~$40/day/person, on a hungry day. 

We too have been concerned with the cost of gas and how it may impact our family travel plans.  It is nearly the same cost to travel by car, hotel, etc. versus RV & campgrounds for trips 10 days or more.  The big factor is how far you travel and for how many days.  We most often move around rather than stay in one spot.  I created a spreadsheet comparing these factors to arrive at my decision, that is continue to travel by RV.  The spreadsheet used figures that are specific to our habits, yours would be different.  Traveling by car & tent is the least expensive, but we are not going back to those days yet.

The last time I went thru this excerise gas was ALOT cheaper (15yrs ago).  At that time one night by RV was less than traveling by car.  Today the breakeven is closer to 10 days.  We have chosen to keep the old RV rather than getting a newer one, in part due to the cost of fuel.

Currently we are on a work trip in VA from NY (700 miles ea way) that we chose to go by pickup & stay in hotels, a sort of test.  I'd still rather travel by RV!  As gas costs continue to climb, my choice may be forced the other way depending upon how much pain the wallet is willing to take.  A level yet to be determined by me or external influences.  The level of tourism in this area (VA Beach) is down for this time of year, both RV & other travel methods.  They are hoping it will pick up after Memorial day.

We did live thru the 70's and the gas problems we had then.  I suspect it will stabilize agian, just not sure how soon.

Ridin' the storm out.........

wendycoke said:
Don't forget the airlines' increasing the cost of an extra piece of luggage.....I can take all I want with me in the MH.

If I didn't have all those frequent flyer miles to use, I'd probably never set foot on a plane again.


Besides we find it easier to take the closet with us than to pack shuffle bags. ;D :D
The reason we bought an RV was to take more mini vacations locally and our 1 big trip up north, we plan to drive the RV.  For us to fly from FL to PA with our 3 kids  :eek:  was over $2000.  Now calc in the cost of a rental car, the hotel and the stress of changing planes with 3 kids under the age of 10(parents you know what i mean - lol).

I figure we lose 1 day flying so why not burn that day driving from FL to PA and have fun.  Even if it takes a day and a half...
This topic just came up on the other RV site (Barthmobile.com) that I visit occasionally.  Bottom line for me is comfort, and no plane/hotel/rental car/restaurant can match having all of that in your RV.  Not to mention the "soaring" prices of plane tickets lately as Tom mentioned.  It's not as if air travel is getting LESS expensive while RV travel is getting MORE expensive or anything.  Plus there's the old saying... and I got this from someone here (can't remember who), in the RV you always know what happened in the bed and who sat on the toilet before you.  ;D

However, I did unfortunately lose this RV vs. plane battle recently and we are flying (with our 2 young boys, 1 with autism) to visit the in-laws in Florida in July.  :p  Granted the round trip would take 8-10 days driving in the RV and only 4-5 on a plane (with more time spent in FL and less time traveling), but I'm still not looking forward to the flying portion.
I refuse to fly commercial because I won't put up with the ignominy of TSA and their "security theater".  If I thought they actually were doing something useful, I might think differently.  Add to that the collapse of customer service from the airlines and I see no reason to ever get on a commercial airplane again.  If a client wanted me to flyh to them, I'd ask them where I could pick up the charter flight.
Work and customer demands can change the equation, especially when the customers are located on different continents. I flew my share of the friendly skies, and prefer not to get on another plane. But, when we visit family in the UK, we have little choice, except possibly take a cruise ship. I hate cruise ships, so that option is out. Next best option is to invite family to visit us.

Ed Juge used to travel to see some clients and his employers by RV and I believe he claimed the depreciation as a business expense.
In regards to airport security.  I have to say that I was VERY disappointed when we had a layover in Ohio.  They would randomly check passangers in line..I think they counted like an "eni meni mine mo" type thing and stopped on my son.  he was 5 at the time.  I dont think anyone here can imagine what that scene was like when they held his arms out wearing gloves, waving that wand and making him take his shoes off while they stood infront of me and said. "Sir this will only take a minute, we cannot allow you into that area."  BOY was i angry! :mad:  My wife just said to me....dont make a scene please...

I have lost faith in the airlines industry.  I am waiting for the day where all passangers will be given orange jumpsuits and carted off to a room to strip and wear the jumpsuits and leave the belongings behind to be scanned and put in the plane then handed to us after we arrive at our destination.  Of course there will be a surcharge for the jumpsuits.

I just need to convince my wife that RVing is the way to go...for travel. We have family in PA that has a 1000+ acre farm and I bet that would be a blast in an RV.

take care all. :)
Well I don't like to fly.  It is the most miserable time for me.  No air sickness but very tough on an old man with RLS.  I have to stand out of the way of the galley and restrooms most of the flt.  That coupled with the hassle of changing planes, going through security, being dropped off and picked up at the airport, having to pack for a trip, motel hotel costs, restaurant food all the time, rental car or public transportation make the RV a most enjoyable way to travel.

I get to see the country I travel through, stop at local attractions and historical markers and just plain take my time.  I am retired and we will get there when we get there.  The we is me and Willie, a 5 lb Yorke.

I just completed a 7 month 30,000 mile trip from the NW to the East Coast.  Up and down the east coast many times seeing many things and doing many things that you can't do at 30000 feet up.

Life as a full timer is the best.  Freedom never felt so free.  Go where I want when I want. 

As for rising prices it is a matter of planning.  Making sure you stay within a budget.  The greatest cost for me is fuel.  Campground rates while going up are still a bargain when you consider you are at home every night in your own bed.

Life is good and have a greatlittleday.
for us the equation changed more with the passing of our dog - we have 3 trips planned between now and mid-sept - 2 involve flights of more than 1000 miles each way, the other a quickie trip in my pickup to Las Vegas end of August. The rv will see more weekends on the mts and beaches.
freedom to travel any way we want now is rather liberating, but we sure miss our dog!
not a question of dollars as much as it is the time it takes to get somewhere for us.
I Fly frequently have to agree about the "security"

I'm working out of town in Kansas City, Mo. I brought my fifth wheel to stay in, I really don't save much money, it's $450 a month for the campground and extended stay hotels are about $800 but the campground is farther away (more gas). But I also like to know what happened in the bed and have seen the horror stories of the hotel cleaning practices. Also the people I meet in the CG are much more friendly. It took me 1/2 hour to pay my rent had to talk to the work campers. My parents have been rving for over 40 years and won't travel any other way for the same reasons.

the airlines are adding more surcharges including a fee to check the first bag let alone any extras. 
"WA"  "WA"  "WA" ,  Not one person in this link came up with one  solution to the security problem and airline attitudes on most (not all) of todays airlines. Want to pass by security? Want to take the kids for penny's more per person? Want to leave when you want? Want to get off the plane for a good meal anytime you want? Want to have a direct flight every time you fly, Want to fool around with the stewardess  and not get slapped? Want to smoke in your seat and not get arrested for doing it? Want to bring Rover with you and not have him in a box in the luggage compartment? Well if this is what you want, just become P.I.C. , say what? That is pilot in command!! Can take as little as 50 hours of flight training, and did I mention you will need to buy a airplane also? So stop crying and get your "Airman's certificate"  ( there is no such thing as a "pilots license")  and we can all get high together.  :D 

P.S. If you want to bring your MH I recommend a C-130, if you travel with a group I recommend a C5A.
There are a number of us here with our Airman's certificates but it's still cheaper to travel by RV.  And sometimes faster too :)  I don't think you can get type rated in a C-130 in 50 hours either.
Ned,  even if I had my type rating for a C-130 and someone gave me one for free, it would never leave the ground as I could never afford to fill the tanks! BUT if you ever see a C-130 at a airport and notice a old 36 foot red and white  MH come out of the back come over and say hello. This is a good possibility as I just purchased my second Meg Millions ticket and expect to win again (first ticket was a winner "150 bucks"). :D
Mark, I'll expect a ride, in the C-130, not the motorhome :)
For all the above reasons, we will drive the MH instead of flying to Canada where we usually spend one month in the summer.
We figured that at $ 5.00 a gallon of diesel fuel, our cost will probably be the same or close.  8)

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