RV travel still beats airline travel ?

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Interesting video Ray, thanks, but no surprises.
For some business travelers, flying is a necessity, but even that's changing quickly. With the advances in teleconferencing, et al, it's seldom necessary for face-to-face meetings; save for technical inspections/troubleshooting, political protocol. etc. For me, the trip and all the things to see and do along the way is far more important than the destination, and having the flexibility to change plans on the spur of the moment makes everything so much better. Try doing that with a fixed itinerary on a scheduled airline and you'll find yourself either unable to do it, or having it cost you several hundreds of dollars and hours of delays. Besides, how many bags of stale peanuts can one person consume? No thanks! 
Karl obviously you have not herd the latest news "stale peanuts will no longer be given out ", cost cutting because of the increase of  the cost of jet A! Think about it, 15,000 gallons of fuel for the average flight and the airlines will make ends meet by not giving out peanuts, I think thats NUTS!  :D
On a serious note, there now is peanutophobia. Some people are very allergic to peanuts, even the odor from same.

    I hear that that is one of the reasons for airlines being stingy with the peanuts. What a shame, I luv peanuts.

Another reason to stick with RV travel.

carson FL

Peanut allergies have been around for years, they need find a better excuse than that.
Cancer from second hand smoke had been around for years before they banned smoking on domestic, then international flights.

Fortunately, we don't suffer from peanut allergies. But we've known folks who do, and the result of unintended exposure can be quite serious. However, this one does seem to be a convenient excuse for what is a cost saving, albeit penny pinching. If the real reason was concern for peanut allergies, they could substitute pretzels or some other snack.
Tom just another reason to fly your own plane, smoke, drink ,flirt with the stewardess (your wife) and eat all the peanuts you want! ::)
Agreed Mark.

....flirt with the stewardess (your wife) ....

Some guys might disagree with that one. In our case, I'm the "stewardess", since my wife does 95% of the driving. It's OK if she flirts with me.
Tom said:
If the real reason was concern for peanut allergies, they could substitute pretzels or some other snack.

United did just that quite a few years ago. You get pretzels or some sort of snack mix without peanuts in it. Wonder how long it'll be before they give up the snack mix and soda. And charging for checked luggage...sheesh. They should be charging the people who take huge carry-on bags and block the aisles while they try to cram them into those little overhead storage bins. Of course, now that they're charging for checked bags, I'll be taking the biggest carryon piece I can get away with.

They should pay people to fly today to make up for all the indignities, harassment and embarrassment the passenger goes through just to get on the plane.
Wonder how long it'll be before they give up the snack mix and soda.

Welcome back Freddie Laker. He pioneered no-frills, low cost, trans Atlantic flights, but was eventually forced out of business by the major carriers.
.... all the indignities, harassment and embarrassment the passenger goes through just to get on the plane.

They're still quite civilized compared with what you'd go through in some countries, although I agree that air travel has become less desired, and I prefer not to get on another plane.
Even Freddie wouldn't be able to get around the TSA theatrics today.

Having to take off half your clothes isn't what I call civilized :(
Even Freddie wouldn't be able to get around the TSA theatrics today.

The reference to Freddie Laker was with respect to on-board service. Nothing to do with TSA.

Having to take off half your clothes isn't what I call civilized

Taking off a coat isn't anything new, and removing shoes came about a few years ago after some goon hid some kind of explosive device in his shoe(s). I have no issue removing a belt when I persistently cause the scanner to alarm and have removed keys, cell phone, etc. When removing the belt does nothing and a personal wand &/or pat-down didn't find it, I'll remember I have a small medical device that's with me 24 hours a day. When I'm not in bed, the device is always in a pocket of my pants and, when it slides towards front and center, the pat-down doesn't find it. It's usually a HFWPOH moment when I eventually remember it can trigger the alarm  :-[

As inefficient as TSA might be, they're better than what we had before. The minor indignities, albeit time consuming, aren't really a big deal, and I'd prefer to have those than no security at all. No doubt there's lots of room for improvement. Hopefully, if there's a large enough ground swell to cause the TSA to upgrade the positions, they don't just promote the same employees to a higher pay grade. That's something I witnessed in the D.O.D. many years ago  ::)

Notwithstanding the above, I still prefer to travel by RV, and fly only when there's no practical alternative.
Tom said:
The reference to Freddie Laker was with respect to on-board service. Nothing to do with TSA.

Taking off a coat isn't anything new,

Tom and Ned I know what we are experiencing with regard to the airlines now in the USA is new to us , but you know other parts of the world have been going through this for some years. I married my wonderful bride some twenty two (I think) years ago, we honeymooned with my in laws in Hong Kong China. I was not much smarter then, then I am now , so I traveled in my IBM issued steel tipped shoes, Made it to Hong Kong before the Chinese discovered the STEEL, I WAS SEATED IN THE TERMINAL AND WHITE PAPER WAS PLACE ON THE FLOOR IN FRONT OF ME AS A YOUNG MAN REMOVED MY SHOES AND EX RAYED THEM (sorry caps on) they apologized perfusly for my inconveniences, I was sent on my way. The new USA has to be correct, here is an example , in 2002 I bought my MH off Ebay, A nice full timer  in Wichita  Kansas  (Mr Lance) , I landed in Wichita  to meet the owner for a ride to the MH. During my walk through the terminal I saw a 75 year old silver haired couple being searched , spread legged, hands in the air! We must be STUPID in our quest to be safe, if it looks like a terrorist and smells like a terrorist, we must frisk some one else so we are not accused of profiling!!!! Lets face it little old laddies took down the world trade centers not young male muslim extremist ( I worked  in the trade centers for five years)!  My family attended twenty five funerals in 30 days, GOD I HATE LITTLE OLD LADDIES. I agree I would rather take my old motor home then watch my daughters and wife get molested by a 8 dollar an hour security specialist with the power of a police officer that can do what he want in the name of safety!!  Ned my mega ticket did not win, I owe you a flight!
Ned said:
Peanut allergies have been around for years, they need find a better excuse than that.

Maybe they'll go back to the smoked almonds that they used to give out years ago!  ;D
Mark R. said:
Ned my mega ticket did not win, I owe you a flight!

Mark, thanks but I'll pass and keep my dignity.  Give it to Tom :)
.... I know what we are experiencing with regard to the airlines now in the USA is new to us , but you know other parts of the world have been going through this for some years.

That's exactly what I've been saying Mark. I grew up on another continent and traveled internationally for 30+ years, including countless trips across the Atlantic and the Pacific. If they want to frisk me while I stand legs apart, have at it! Some folks would obviously prefer we board a plane with zero security. Not me!

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