Safe fireworks?

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That is amazing. Thanks for posting it Tom.
Aye, it's truly amazing how they coordinate and choreograph all those drones. The small drone show in a nearby town cost $50K, so I can't imagine what the TX show cost.
An amazing July 4th celebration with drones in Ft. Worth, TX:
Amazing, and such demos are getting more & more spectacular.

Speaking as an FAA certified drone operator who regularly flies autonomous missions, I have to say that I haven't the foggiest idea how they do this other than to assume that GPS and computers are involved somehow. :unsure: :D
other than to assume that GPS and computers are involved somehow. :unsure:
And very sophisticated computers with extremely complex programming. I wonder how many radio channels are tied up in the drones self-coordinating (pre-programmed obviously) and/or computer-transmitted controls.

'Twould be interesting to find out, but it's probably "proprietary."
I'm one of those dumb people who love fireworks displays..:love:
It reminds me and I would like to think all of us all of the conditions our armed forces have faced throughout history. Those big booms are normally not threatening to us but you should think about what those in combat felt when they heard the explosions with many being injured and or killed.
You cant cure stupid so its inevitable that some dummy will hurt himself or someone else in the process of using fireworks. Its a fact of life.
Odds are that if they couldn't get fireworks they would find some other way to hurt themselves. :unsure:

So my vote is for real fireworks on the 4th!!!:love:
And very sophisticated computers with extremely complex programming.
Curiosity got the best of me and would you believe it?? I was able to find tons of info out there that provides all kinds of info, some of which I can even understand. :) This video below for example. There's also this quote from a site I found which answers one of my main questions:

Coordinating 150 pilots to fly 150 drones at once would be a logistical nightmare. Fortunately, not every drone in a light show needs its own individual pilot. Instead they are controlled by a central computer, relying on emergent swarm technology to get the job done. As such, the ground crew looking after the performance only needs to be relatively small.

Swarm technology enables multiple drones to communicate with each other like bees, working together towards a shared end goal rather than having each drone’s flight path individually prescribed. Using GPS or radio frequencies to position themselves, drones can wirelessly chat to each other to ensure they maintain their spacing and avoid collisions. They can also determine which of the drones is best suited for each job required to bring the show to life.
Behind the scenes - How to make a drone show

I live in a semi rural area. Fireworks start about mid to late June and go all summer with the 4th and the 5th of July probably being the craziest days. My wife loves watching the big firework shows put on by professionals.
Alcohol and explosives just don't mix well, even though many people insist on doing that.

Neither does...

Alcohol and dancing
And just how in the heck do you expect me to be able to dance without alcohol? Sober me dancing and drunk me dancing look very much a like the only difference is drunk me likes to dance sober me does not. LOL
Alcohol and explosives just don't mix well, even though many people insist on doing that.

Neither does...
Alcohol and marriage
Alcohol and dancing
Alcohol and driving
Alcohol and operating heavy equipment
Alcohol and being a passenger on a airplane
Alcohol and collage/university
Alcohol and cutting yer lawn
Alcohol and bringing out the guitar at the campfire... (Which is my greatest dislike)

What is the common denominator here?
Men? 🤣
My fireworks have been stored in my barn for nearly 15 years. It seems every July 4 drought conditions prevent a responsible person from setting them off. I do however shoot off my carbide cannon.

I have one of these. I usually shoot it off a few times on July 4 but it can really garner a lot of attention. Sounds like a gunshot and I don't want to freak anybody out.

I have one of these. I usually shoot it off a few times on July 4 but it can really garner a lot of attention. Sounds like a gunshot and I don't want to freak anybody out.

You must live pretty urban. Gunshots around here are a daily occurrence. My uncle and cousins (both gals) were down visiting from Vancouver, BC a couple years ago. We were out on the deck having a BBQ when several bangs could be heard in the distance. My cousin looked at me and asked, "Was that a gunshot?" "Yes." "Is it hunting season?" "Yes, but that's just someone down the valley target shooting."

An hour later, I brought out a couple pistols and shotguns and got them to do some target/trap shooting. My cousin asked, "Is this legal?" "Yes, I'm way outside city limits. I have my own pistol range with a backdrop. And the shotgun pellets shot over the field won't travel farther than 60 or 70 yards, and my closest neighbors are 1/2 mile away. Have at it."
You must live pretty urban. Gunshots around here are a daily occurrence.
Suburbs. I'm about 20 miles north of Dallas. Can't shoot a firearm (unless in self defense) within city limits. But go into south Dallas and its a daily occurance. On New Years Eve the City of Dallas tells folks in south Dallas to stay indoors around midnight due to all the falling bullets. Every few years someone is killed or seriously injured due to being hit with a falling bullet. Shame.
Suburbs. I'm about 20 miles north of Dallas. Can't shoot a firearm (unless in self defense) within city limits. But go into south Dallas and its a daily occurance. On New Years Eve the City of Dallas tells folks in south Dallas to stay indoors around midnight due to all the falling bullets. Every few years someone is killed or seriously injured due to being hit with a falling bullet. Shame.
Several years ago, I decided I would rid my property of a couple squirrels and garner the proceeds for a pot of stew at the same time. So, I took my .22 out and went hunting. I eventually found one, but my first couple shots didn't find their mark which got me thinking, "You know, I better go get my shotgun instead. These shots I'm firing at the top of the tree that don't hit anything are eventually going to come down somewhere. Maybe onto the little highway a half mile to the east." So I went and got my shotgun. Never did get a squirrel. Although I could shoot any number of them that come to raid my bird feeder at any time.
Suburbs. I'm about 20 miles north of Dallas. Can't shoot a firearm (unless in self defense) within city limits. But go into south Dallas and its a daily occurance. On New Years Eve the City of Dallas tells folks in south Dallas to stay indoors around midnight due to all the falling bullets. Every few years someone is killed or seriously injured due to being hit with a falling bullet. Shame.
Just after high school I had a part-time job roofing houses (1960), It was not unusual to find bullets partially embedded in shingles.
An hour later, I brought out a couple pistols and shotguns and got them to do some target/trap shooting.
My 5 acres backs up to a property containing a cemetery and a Baptist church.

When I was contemplating the purchase the grounds keeper and I chatted. I asked him if I could shoot. Then I asked him if I could hunt.

He looked at me like I was crazy or ignorant. I definitely was northern urban ignorant - LOL

Not a day goes by here where someone is not shooting. Keeps the burglars and meth heads off our street, I am sure...
Suburbs. I'm about 20 miles north of Dallas. Can't shoot a firearm (unless in self defense) within city limits. But go into south Dallas and its a daily occurance. On New Years Eve the City of Dallas tells folks in south Dallas to stay indoors around midnight due to all the falling bullets. Every few years someone is killed or seriously injured due to being hit with a falling bullet. Shame.

Sounds like a bunch of good guys with guns / responsible gun owners thinking of safety first ;)

People shoot around here all the time. Folks think they're way out in the woods here, but they're really not. It's not legal to shoot around here because of proximity to roads, homes, etc but people do so anyway. Law and order!
Sounds like a bunch of good guys with guns / responsible gun owners thinking of safety first ;)

People shoot around here all the time. Folks think they're way out in the woods here, but they're really not. It's not legal to shoot around here because of proximity to roads, homes, etc but people do so anyway. Law and order!
If you're outside city limits, and there is no county code forbidding shooting in your area, then my guess is it is legal. Proximity to roads, houses, etc., usually only come into play when looking at Fish & Game regulations for hunting. "It is not legal to shoot across a public road," "It is not legal to shoot within 200 yards of an occupied dwelling, unless you are the owner or have permission from the owner." Those kinds of things.

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