Safe fireworks?

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If you're outside city limits, and there is no county code forbidding shooting in your area, then my guess is it is legal. Proximity to roads, houses, etc., usually only come into play when looking at Fish & Game regulations for hunting. "It is not legal to shoot across a public road," "It is not legal to shoot within 200 yards of an occupied dwelling, unless you are the owner or have permission from the owner." Those kinds of things.

It's a designated no shooting area. I know where it's legal to shoot, and it's not around here. There are regulations for both recreational and hunting. Regulations would also not permit people discharging firearms into the sky on July 4th.
Regulations would also not permit people discharging firearms into the sky on July 4th.
No kiddin'!! I think most people who discharge firearms into the sky (be it July 4th or not) aren't the type that follow regulations much anyway!
We lived on 10 acres in the middle of the woods. First thing I did when we moved in was set up a pistol range in the front yard. First time we used the range, one of the neighbors called and wanted to know if we were shooting. When I replied that we were, she said, "Okay, just wanted to make sure it wasn't somebody hunting where they don't belong." Never had another call about us shooting in 25 years.
It's a designated no shooting area. I know where it's legal to shoot, and it's not around here. There are regulations for both recreational and hunting. Regulations would also not permit people discharging firearms into the sky on July 4th.
Yes, I think the thing about randomly shooting into the air is against the law everywhere.
Wow. That's pretty scary.
Some people do dumb things at times; sometimes it's ignorance. I remember when I was about 10-12 I had a bow and arrows and loved to hunt rabbits and birds. I once and only once shot an arrow straight up to see how far it would go; then BINGO-it struck me, I can't see it, where will it come down????
The common belief is that a .22 rifle doesn't have much range. A .22 long rifle bullet will travel a bit over one mile when fired in the optimum trajectory.

That's pretty scary.
Says the guy with crossed knives under his icon. :)
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I remember when I was about 10-12 I had a bow and arrows and loved to hunt rabbits and birds. I once and only once shot an arrow straight up to see how far it would go; then BINGO-it struck me, I can't see it, where will it come down????
Been there, done that! Probably about the same age as well. Back the, ACT then THINK was a mental process kids had to eventually overcome (hopefully).

As for shooting guns in the air... when I watch old westerns where a dozen or more rowdy trailhands come into town to get drunk and they're all shooting their pistols and rifles in the air... :rolleyes:
Some people do dumb things at times; sometimes it's ignorance. I remember when I was about 10-12 I had a bow and arrows and loved to hunt rabbits and birds. I once and only once shot an arrow straight up to see how far it would go; then BINGO-it struck me, I can't see it, where will it come down????
The common belief is that a .22 rifle doesn't have much range. A .22 long rifle bullet will travel a bit over one mile when fired in the optimum trajectory.

Says the guy with crossed knives under his icon. :)
My kid once brought a compound bow home and was playing with it in his room. Shot an arrow clean through the outside wall of our house and it penetrated the outside wall of my next-door neighbor's house (thankfully not all the way). The outside of both houses were stucco.
I was born in 51. So a teen in the early 60’s. We had one big store in town, JM Fields. As kids we could buy bows and arrows, knives and they sold single shot bolt action 22 rifles. One of our activities was plinking. Walking through the woods shooting at cans and bottles.
Some people do dumb things at times; sometimes it's ignorance. I remember when I was about 10-12 I had a bow and arrows and loved to hunt rabbits and birds. I once and only once shot an arrow straight up to see how far it would go; then BINGO-it struck me, I can't see it, where will it come down????
The common belief is that a .22 rifle doesn't have much range. A .22 long rifle bullet will travel a bit over one mile when fired in the optimum trajectory.

Says the guy with crossed knives under his icon. :)
Watch the movie Grown Ups. Starting about 01:15.

Watch the movie Grown Ups. Starting about 01:15.

That's how I felt, I didn't know whether to run, stand-still, or hide. It only took one lesson to learn it was a bad idea.
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