Sex in the RV (Fifth Wheel) - What should we know and keep in mind?

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Where do you store the whips, cuffs & bondage equipment?

(I'm so old I forgot who gets tied up)

PS: the devil made me post this!
Man...... Learn to be smooth with your moves! If you're so out of control that you're shaking your shack like some out of control humpty dog, then you and your significant other need to go back to sex school!

This gal I had out to my RV, in my single days, told me that my whispering "Shh...." in her ear, during her multiple moments of truth, so as not to wake her son up on the bed less than ten feet away, drove her to an intensity she never felt, before.

Yeah, get with the program! Failing that, send your kids off to a fun day with friends, when you and your partner want to get uncontrollably down and dirty. No big deal.......

Oh yeah, and your neighbors..... If they're asking you questions, then they're watching your rig. Invite them over... AFTER you send the kiddos on their way, as above. You might just bond with your fellow RV'ers in ways previously unimagined!
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Where do you store the whips, cuffs & bondage equipment?

(I'm so old I forgot who gets tied up)

PS: the devil made me post this!

Most RV ceilings are too low for overhand motions, i.e whips, floggers, and the like. I also wouldn't attach handcuffs to anything in an RV for fear it would rip out of the wall, or fiberglass, etc. Safety first.

;) Half joking
As a thought. If your going fiver get one with rear bunks for the kids. Some even have a half bath for them. That puts you about as far away as a S&B house. Can you scream and thrash about without arising suspicision? Not likely. C an you have an active and rewarding sex life? Sure. We did it for over 35 years. As my girls got to teenagers they liked their privacy too so it was a couple of tents during nice weather.
Thanks @donn . Yes, we're only looking at models with a bunkhouse on the other side. I appreciate your insights. They truly are helpful. I also find it funny that this post of mine has some of the most replies. Hehe.
You will need to get rid of the mattress that comes with the RV and purchase a really good one. Noise might be a problem. Don’t know how old the kids are but 2-3 Benadryl before bedtime (for the kids; if you and wife take it there won’t be any sex) and they will sleep through the noise. Extra stabilizers will also help. Reminds me of the time my wife and I were tent camping, we had an old Sears canvas tent, and I had to go pee so went outside. We had a gas lantern hanging in the tent. Well, I finished my business and went back in the tent and informed the wife that everything we had done earlier could be seen in perfect shadow from the outside. :cool:
Hilarious! Thanks @Oldgator73 (love the name). Extra stabilizers, noted. Replace mattress, noted. I appreciate your insights. They truly are helpful. I also find it funny that this post of mine has some of the most replies. Hehe.
How to deal with the kids.. Can't help you there.. Many CG's have activities where the children will be supervised for a period of time. many do not, and of course they can always return unexpected.
Also you can put a 2ndary lock on the door like a hook and eye type that can only be opened from inside.
And finally a sign
Thanks @Detroit. We actually don't need to hide it from the kids. Just thinking about outsiders.
If you are concerned about what the neighbors see/hear/think, then you will just have to tone down your enthusiasm a bit. But if you aren't embarrassed that others know when & what you are doing, then do nothing. Sounds to me as though you are firmly in that latter camp!

RVs aren't very sound-proof and they wiggle a bit even with jacks firmly planted. You can't change that, so deal with it in one of those two ways. Of course, you can try to choose campsites that don't have close neighbors, but that may not always be practical.
Thanks @Gary RV_Wizard . We're actually not planning to hide it from the kids. We discuss the topic openly with kids. It's more about the scene from outside the RV. Great point that it will still wiggle especially when we're "wiggling" inside.
I have always heard people say that if you brag about having sex, you ain't getting any.:p I don't know of too many campgrounds that have old folks walking about outside at bedtime. So as long as you don't have a noisy suspension system, unless people outside are walking along your camper, I would not worry about the outside world.

But not to get into whether you are fine with teenage kids and having their own sex as a casual act , which is what it sounds like you are fine with no matter their age right now, sex was always more emotional than the final results. ;)

I am not sure that I would be comfortable and enjoy getting naked and getting wild in front of them. So I recommend a toy hauler set up as a seperate apartment with beds, which are avaliable. The 5th wheels that I have seen with bedrooms next to the master bedrooms have little barrier for wild games.

But without videos, it did not happen.:ROFLMAO:(y)
Whoa! No way. Haha. When I say, "we're open about it with the kids", I mean that we discuss sex with them openly. They hear us at the house and we are okay with that. It's not a shameful thing in our house. However, we certainly do it in private and never in the open. Thanks for the insights.
If I was not concerned regarding my daughters I wouldn't be concerned about my neighbors.
@Krazeehorse33 , interesting and fair point. I guess we're just concerned about neighbors because we've been in large houses and not in any apartment with shared walls for over 25 years. And.. the RV life is a new adventure for us leading us to investigate all the possibilities.
Amen brother Ben!

Sounds creepy to me!

Something ain't right.

File this thread in the creepy loser section.
@ziplock , Whoa! Don't brand me yet. :) What's creepy about sex and openly discussing and teaching our kids about the God-given pleasure between a man and his wife? I'd rather we teach our kids openly (that does not mean we show the, it means we're discussing it openly) than have them be taught by the world around them.

Although, looking back at my original post, I can see how some people might have misunderstood my intention which was merely to learn from the fulltimers since this will be our first adventuring into full-time RV life.
If this is a regular thing, you probably need scheduled time away from your kids, both young kids and adult kids. Neither probably want to hear their parents going at it. Find a cheap hotel room you can rent by the hour in town if you like to play hard, otherwise, tone it down for everyone's sake. There's a big difference between being open about sex and having it in close proximity to others who may not want to be party to it.
Hi @Skookum , thanks for the insight. We're not rough playing at all. Very intimate and quiet but certainly not still. I guess what I'm really asking is if the 6-point stabilizers on a fifth wheel handle the minor movements well. I think I was just freaked out when I was walking through them on the lot and they bounced so much because not all stabilizers were down.
You and the wife need to learn sign language... that will solve most of the problem!

The other thing to be cautious about is the steps up to the bedroom - so put up a gate so you don't fall down into the kitchen/living space.

Lastly - it's part of life. Please enjoy it even if you think you'll embarrass the kids (or the neighbors!). Believe me, they would rather look back and know that Mom and Dad loved and cared for each other.
Thanks @Domo , that's really helpful and also funny. I wish the others here would see the point is that we have a healthy sex life as part of the love and care we have for each other and that this is not about being vulgar. I genuinely wanted to get some insights which some have given. Thanks again.
I've participated in this forum for about 28 years. This is quite possibly the dumbest series of posts I have read in all this time.
Genuinely sorry, @Tom and Margi . I really just intended to get insights from experienced full-timers since we are just about to get into it. I did not intend the post to incite any poor behavior. Although, as a newcomer, I did gain some great insights from some posts here:
  • 6-point stabilizers
  • Know your quiet hours
  • Bunkhouses help
  • Other noises like dogs drown out your noise
  • Etc...
So, it has helped. Sorry to disappoint you. I intend to be a good community participant.
I'll take a swing at this. I'm a relative newb, joined about 3 years ago. All sorts of fun topics come up and this is the first time I've seen this question asked. Why not? Motorhomes, trailers and the like are TIGHT spaces and a lot of people co-exist with children in these things. How do people keep the sparks flying with their mate? How does one entertain themselves alone? We all deal with these things, right?
Exactly, @Skookum! Thanks for understanding the reason for and seeing the sincerity in my question. I really just wanted to gain insights which I've gained. Thanks for the defense. :) Back-atcha!
Man...... Learn to be smooth with your moves! If you're so out of control that you're shaking your shack like some out of control humpty dog, then you and your significant other need to go back to sex school!

This gal I had out to my RV, in my single days, told me that my whispering "Shh...." in her ear, during her multiple moments of truth, so as not to wake her son up on the bed less than ten feet away, drove her to an intensity she never felt, before.

Yeah, get with the program! Failing that, send your kids off to a fun day with friends, when you and your partner want to get uncontrollably down and dirty. No big deal.......

Oh yeah, and your neighbors..... If they're asking you questions, then they're watching your rig. Invite them over... AFTER you send the kiddos on their way, as above. You might just bond with your fellow RV'ers in ways previously unimagined!
Funny, @SRGuy. I'll leave the "swinging" to the swingers. Nor our deal. :D

We actually are not rough at all. We're pretty slow and intimate. But walking through these 5th wheels at the lot while they were bouncing around had me very concerned. After reading the great insights I gained here, I have what I need to prepare and enjoy. Thanks!
I know it's a moot point since the OP is not looking for suggestions on what to buy, but "just sayin" my nephew just bought a trailer with an interesting floor plan. The MBR is in the front with a door. The bunkroom with bunk beds is fully aft with a door, and the bathroom even has a door to the exterior so-that when the kids are asleep you can use the can without disturbing them. I thought of this as soon as I read the original post.
It can be done-I think.

Our first motorhome was a 1971 Tioga, well used, about 23 feet long. My MIL lived with us and the tough old bird would come with us and our twins most of the time. We slept in the overhead bunk, doubled stacked the kids on the dinette and Mom would sleep on the fold-down couch.

Well one night stuff happened. We weren't to concerned about waking the kids I think they were about 3, but as long as Mom was snoring we figured it was safe. I asked the Wife after if she thought Mom might have been playing possum. Never heard from Mom about it so I guess not.

Unlike the time we were sitting having coffee and she referred to the spa as the "Spawning Tank." I spit coffee laughing and the Wife damn near turned as red as the banner on this page.

Love and miss you Mom!
I do know this much, we've had 1 pop up, 3 travel trailers, and 1 fifth wheel. Every RV we had was FAR from sound proof or motionless. If you can hear sounds from the outside of the camper while inside the camper, then anyone outside the camper can just as easily hear what's happening inside the camper.

Even with the very best of jacks and supports under the trailer, anyone moving around in the back of the camper IS felt in the far front of the camper too.

But you know? Those pioneers who lived in 1 room log cabins often had 12 kids. Those kids came into this world somehow you know?

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