Thanksgiving 2012 images.

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Bob Buchanan

Well-known member
Mar 3, 2005
Philadelphia, PA
THESE images where taken in the past week or so and during my nice day with family in San Jose, CA. Best viewed after an F11 or note the Slideshow link.

Hope you all had as nice a day as mine on Thanksgiving.  :)
Bob - I like the last photo of the tree the best. Thanks for sharing. You are the only photographer I know who photographs his meal before he eats it ;D ;D ;D

I just ordered me a new camera this morning. I can't wait to show it off. I bet you can't guess what I got.
I've been leaning towards a Sony A65 .... are you going to make me start researching all over again Tom??   

Tom you type too fast!  ;D

Howard R said:
I've been leaning towards a Sony A65 .... are you going to make me start researching all over again Tom??  ;D  ;D
Absolutely not. You are not even close to guessing what I am going for. The new one will be a big surprise.

P.S. - I sold my a55 last year and bought an a65 when it first came out. I didn't like it so I sold it and bought another a55. I don't know why but I got sharper photos from the a55. But everyone else on my photo forum that upgraded from the a55 to the a65 is happier with the a65, so I guess I might have gotten a lemon.
SeilerBird said:
Bob - I like the last photo of the tree the best. Thanks for sharing. You are the only photographer I know who photographs his meal before he eats it ;D ;D ;D

Yep -- I do, Tom.  :) That started a few years back when I discovered my Samsung Charge smart phone did an OK job with pics for a carry around camera - and allowed me to photograph eggs over medium cooked properly. The reason being, very few restaurant cooks seem to know how to cook eggs, especially my favorite, over medium. So I thought I would always have handy on Flickr the proper way (plus a few properly cooked omelets).

One owner noted the pics,  proceeded to give the cook a lesson on how to do them right -- then hired me to photograph the updates to their menu.

I just ordered me a new camera this morning. I can't wait to show it off. I bet you can't guess what I got.

Have figured you would like to add a walk around camera - but then THIS 30x, 10fps little guy might be your next BIF friend.

But then, you may have gone for a walk around -- or perhaps you're gong to get rid of all that Sony stuff and go back to what you really wanted in a Canon 7D.  :)
Bob, as usual your photos were very nice.  I too am amazed that you took the pictures before eating.  Everytime you look at RV Forum photos all the plates are empty!  ::)  But I also have to say that someone in your family certainly set a beautiful table.  I'm sure it tasted as good as it looked.

Bob, nice job.  I especially like the way you handled the depth of field on the candle shots and the chocolate turkey ... well done!

ArdraF said:
Bob, as usual your photos were very nice.  I too am amazed that you took the pictures before eating.  Everytime you look at RV Forum photos all the plates are empty!  ::)  But I also have to say that someone in your family certainly set a beautiful table.  I'm sure it tasted as good as it looked.


Thank you, Ardra! At that time of the AM I would naturally be very hungry - especially in that I took the shots while the aroma of the breakfast filled space. Fortunately, the time involved was short. I thought the omelet at the Riversice Buffet was the best of the Samsung Charge products there. Evidence that quality of light is the key to good photography. If all natural, coming from the right direction, and soft - most any point and shoot camera in "P" mode will do just fine.

Thanksgiving this year was at my nieces home in the Saratoga area. You met Sharon at my Dad's 80th birthday party in San Mateo - the youngest of my brothers 4 children. They rotate thanksgiving each year among the siblings with Christmas dinner at my brother and SIL's. And yes, they have a beautiful home and she decorates well. Those 4 now have 10 children between them, with 5 now married, and one with one child and one on the way. There were 32 at Christmas last year . . .  :)
99WinAdventurer37G said:
Great pics.  That fruit, cheese, and broccoli turkey is creative.  I've never seen one like that.  So, how long have you known Martha Stewart? ;)

That was done by my grand niece, Danielle, and her Mom, Sharon -- our hosts for dinner this year. She told me the toughest part was how to represent the colors around the head - that was solved with red peppers.

HERE is my best turkey image -- taken a few years back in a Mandarin Orchard in Penryn, CA.
Howard R said:
Bob, nice job.  I especially like the way you handled the depth of field on the candle shots and the chocolate turkey ... well done!


Thank you, Howard - I appreciate your comments on the DOF issue.

The chocolate turkey was moved several times. I couldn't decided whether I wanted just the turkey -- or to include the pumpkins to be within that shallow DOF. After about 4 test shots, decided to move them both in the same plane.

The blur formation in the bowl of 4 floating candles image was the result of about 5 or 6 test shots - in that I wanted the candles in the next room to be part of the bokeh makeup. I found that if I got low enough, but still included all 4 in the bottom third I was able to gather a number of other candles in the background. Otherwise by shooting at any angle down on the bowl - there was no backgound.

Good thing I got the shot I wanted with the chocolate turkey - because he didn't last long after the real turkey at dinner.  :)
Howard R said:
What kind of equipment are you using Bob?

Howard, I shoot with a Canon 50D - and for now, have an Canon XT as a backup. However, plan to place the XT on Amazon or eBay as I just don't have the need for a backup that much anymore. The XT has a Tamron 18-200 lens that is very nice so I will have to decide whether to sell it with the XT or sell the XT body only. Will most likely sell it along with the body. It made a very nice all round camera for most shots at the time.
Bob ... I was looking at that Tamron 18-200 to go with the Sony A65 if I went that route.  Need to upgrade my Nikon D50.  Nikon D7000 was another possibility or new D5200 which is supposed to be out soon.

The Canon 50D looks nice!


SeilerBird said:
I have a Tamron 200-500 on a Sony a55 and I use it for wildlife photography. It makes for an amazing combination.

Ah yes ... that one is definitely on my list as soon as I decide which camera !!  I shoot lots of "iron" birds, so very similar to your usage. 

Howard R said:
Ah yes ... that one is definitely on my list as soon as I decide which camera !!  I shoot lots of "iron" birds, so very similar to your usage. 

One important consideration when choosing a system is Image Stabilization. The Tamron 200-500 does not have IS built in. Sony builds IS into the body, Nikon and Canon build IS into the lenses. That means with a Canon or a Nikon system the lens won't be stabilized, but with a Sony it will be stabilized. It is one of the main reasons I switched to Sony, I don't have to rebuy an Image Stabilization system every  time I buy a new lens. Every lens I attach is stabilized.

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