Third AC Unit

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Well-known member
Jun 1, 2014
We have started a deal on a Seismic 4113 with a local dealer. The TH won't be in till next week, but I got the options sheet. It shows only two AC unit, lacking the third in the garage.

Our first RV and I notice some have the three AC Units and some just have two. I figure we will at times be in areas that are 80 and 90 degrees.

Should the lack of a third AC unit be a deal breaker?
Is it wired for a third unit?  If so, it is clearly NOT a deal breaker.  Add it later if needed.

If you never camp in weather above 90 deg, I doubt you will need a third A/C
Arch Hoagland said:
No. You are in great shape. 

It's been 100 to 107 where I live for the past 30 days. We put on a jacket at 80 degrees.

  Arch, I don?t think you?d like our place in the winter.....main floor 66 degrees, upstairs bedroom 57 to 58 degrees. Helps keep us acclimated to our cool winters!  :)
Memtb said:
  Arch, I don?t think you?d like our place in the winter.....main floor 66 degrees, upstairs bedroom 57 to 58 degrees. Helps keep us acclimated to our cool winters!  :)

Ha! you are right. We seldom get below freezing here, maybe five times a year. However I have lived in Pennsylvania, Illinois, Utah and Maryland so I still know what a snow shovel looks like.  Looks like work.  I'm retired so don't want that type of work anymore!!!
grashley said:
Is it wired for a third unit?  If so, it is clearly NOT a deal breaker.  Add it later if needed.

If you never camp in weather above 90 deg, I doubt you will need a third A/C

Thank you for your input. 
I'm just curious, I have 50 amp service on my rig with 2 a/c now. Each one being wired on separate legs on the distribution box. How do they wire in the third a/c? 
Both my A/C are on Leg 1 of my 50A box.  No problem.  I doubt I would want all 3 on the same leg if there was any other load, but even at 15A each, the leg would not be overloaded.

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