To Drink or not to Drink

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Drinking plastic contaminated water or all the pollution or toxins in tap water is not like washing your hands in benzine. You will not get leukemia in a few months from small amounts of toxins in your drinking water. That you have been drinking toxic water for x-number of years is not evidence of its safety. The evidence is in the analysis of the actual water. The dead tell no tales.
In an RV, a single water analysis is pretty meaningless since the source keeps changing as we move from place to place. And getting an analysis at each location is beyond realistic. Our modern water choices are typically water that's sold in plastic containers, water that's stored in plastic tanks, and water that's transported in plastic piping. If plastic contamination of our drinking water was a major issue and routinely killing people, I think the world would have noticed by now. My guess would be that more people die by drowning in water than from drinking it.
I think you missed the point completely. Maybe too much plastic in your water? lol.
You can smoke and not die of lung cancer too. Smoke em up NyDutch, people live and smoke.
Lots of contaminates in our food and water will not kill. Liver spots, pre-mature aging, weight issues, illnesses, fatigue and a thousand other small common life issues come from small doses over a long time of toxins. Well documented in numerous studies if you are interested and Im sure there are more appropiate forums to discuss science than here.
The point is that you can drink clean water or you can drink toxic water, the choice is yours and you will still live and, as I said, that you can consume toxins and still live is not evidence that toxins are the healthy choice. I dont know how to simplify it further. People are commenting that they drink toxins therefore toxins are safe. That is just insane. No need to respond, this is at its end.
Is this a new conspiracy theory, or just one that I've never heard before? I'm 80 years old, and I've been drinking tap water all my life, with no added filter. This water has come from three different municipal water systems, and one well.

I guess these so called toxins must be very slow acting.

Is this a new conspiracy theory, or just one that I've never heard before? I'm 80 years old, and I've been drinking tap water all my life, with no added filter. This water has come from three different municipal water systems, and one well.

I guess these so called toxins must be very slow acting.

I'm with you Joel, been drinking tap water, bottled water, plastic tank water, for 78 years so far, if it's going to take me out it better hurry before something else gets me.
As long as we are on this topic, know that replacement filters come in several types, even for the same filter. The cheapest ones are the carbon filters which mostly take out particles of stuff and a bit of chlorine.

Even the inline filters that attach to your water intake hose come in a couple of varieties. For example, the typical blue filter costs $20 at Camping World. It says, "Durable carbon filter with 100-micron fiber barrier. KDF prevents the growth of fungus, bacteria, and mold in the filter when not in use. CSA low lead content certified fittings."

They also sell a green one (as does Walmart if you can find them) for $30, but it filters the following. Note that a 1 micron filter filers things 100 times smaller than a 100 micron filter:
1 micron green.jpg
I think you missed the point completely. Maybe too much plastic in your water? lol.
You can smoke and not die of lung cancer too. Smoke em up NyDutch, people live and smoke.
Lots of contaminates in our food and water will not kill. Liver spots, pre-mature aging, weight issues, illnesses, fatigue and a thousand other small common life issues come from small doses over a long time of toxins. Well documented in numerous studies if you are interested and Im sure there are more appropiate forums to discuss science than here.
The point is that you can drink clean water or you can drink toxic water, the choice is yours and you will still live and, as I said, that you can consume toxins and still live is not evidence that toxins are the healthy choice. I dont know how to simplify it further. People are commenting that they drink toxins therefore toxins are safe. That is just insane. No need to respond, this is at its end.
Are these peer reviewed studies, or just some crackpot ideas. I might be more inclined to take you seriously, if you cited your sources, instead of just referring to "numerous studies."

It is virtually impossible to live without consuming numerous "toxins" on a daily basis. It is a question of how much, and in what concentration. It seems to be logical to believe that if a lot of something is very harmful, then a little bit of it must be a little bit harmful. THIS IS FALSE LOGIC.

High concentrations of caffeine are very toxic, but most of us drink coffee or tea on a daily basis, with no ill effect. To the contrary, there are actually well documented health benefits (Coffee consumption and health: umbrella review of meta-analyses of multiple health outcomes. Poole R, Kennedy OJ, Roderick P, Fallowfield JA, Hayes PC, Parkes J. BMJ. 2017 Nov 22;359:j5024. doi: 10.1136/bmj.j5024. among other papers).

There is little doubt that alcohol, if consumed in large in large quantities is harmful, or even deadly. However, it is well documented that red wine, consumed in moderation, has significant health benefits (Wine and Health-New Evidence. Golan R, Gepner Y, Shai I. Eur J Clin Nutr. 2019 Jul;72(Suppl 1):55-59. doi: 10.1038/s41430-018-0309-5 among other papers).

Concentrated iodine is highly toxic, yet in many parts of the country, we use iodized salt, because an iodine deficiency is well documented to cause thyroid problems (Iodine-deficiency disorders. Zimmermann MB, Jooste PL, Pandav CS. Lancet. 2008 Oct 4;372(9645):1251-62. 10.1016/S 0140-6736(08) 61005-3 among other papers).

Today, it is virtually impossible to avoid consuming considerable quantities of a variety of (potentially harmful) preservatives, unless we grow and process all of our own food. Yet, there can be little doubt that our food supply is far safer that it was 100 years ago.

These are just a few of (out of many) examples that demonstrate that even though a lot of something may be quite harmful, a little bit of it may be beneficial, or even required.

It's time to stop spewing nonsense based on some theory that gets spread around on the internet by people who have done no real research, and are ignorant of the facts. If you want to learn the facts, do a search on Pub Med - NIH. It's an index of all of the medical journals in the world, and several related non-medical journals.


Also, for the regular in-house water filters, there are big numbers on the cartons for at least on the brand I buy. When I first started out, I thought I had to buy the exact same number, but then I started reading the packages and realized that the numbers pertained to what they filter. I had been using a cheap carbon filter, but there were others that filtered stuff like giardia. Costs varied from $15 per filter to $35 per filter. I now buy the most expensive ones that filter more stuff!!!

So, look at the numbers and try to get a 1 micron filter, as well as something that filters more stuff.

Also, remember that to be effective, you have to change your water filters every few months if you are full-timing like me.
I'm not here to argue known facts. Some people seem to think drinking water is 100% pure and free of toxins and need to be provided with scientific studies on demand, with every drink, to understand that tap water contains toxins. This is not new and shocking information and the idiotic phrase "conspiracy theory" that cnn viewers use to dismiss everything they do not understand explains a lot, lol. If you do not understand tap water, please don't attack and be rude. This is not our fault that you have so little information. No scientific studies will be provided and none need to be. I will not be providing scientific studies that the sun shines on a solar panel topic either. There is no logic to some, and for goodness sakes, just stop. Just stop posting. You are very rude to argue about simplistic and well-known facts, everyday facts for that matter. Wow.
Yes, you can live to be 80 and drink toxins (did you read where I said you can smoke and not get lung cancer? Make the connection. We wont be providing every single possible comparison either). You can never change your car's motor oil or you can use cheap oil, or you can go 30,000 miles between oil changes. Yes, do what you want.
I put the IGNORE on Great Horned Owl because there is just no point to see his post

I think both of you are kind of saying the same thing from other sides of a divide.

Of course people should pay attention to the water they're drinking. Not just potential bacteria that could make RV-goers sick on a vacation, but sometimes you pick up bad water. I don't think anyone disagrees.

I think you're referencing stuff like PFAs which are a buzz lately. Just like it's not good to drink the water from Flint that has a bunch of lead, it's now known that certain types of plastics contaminate water, and those contaminants can elevate some cancer risks.

For those who want to test and do everything they can to avoid PFA's, more power to them. I'm glad they have options available so they can feel safer knowing the contents of their water. For those who don't, well, it's true...they haven't died drinking plastic-water. It doesn't mean they haven't carried a higher risk of cancer all those years.
Both sides make valid points, yes our food supply is safer than 100 years ago, but is it safer than 30 years ago? Look at the prevalence nowadays of gmo foods, and the rise in digestive issues, connection? If you alter a plant, so it is less palatable to an insect, common sense would dictate that it would be less palatable to a human also. But, have no fear big pharma has a pill for that, connection?
Fluoride added to municipal water supply’s, why?
Fluoride is found naturally in the water, why add more? Fluoride in the diet above levels that occur naturally, have an adverse effect on the Peanial(sp) Gland in the brain. This gland will crustate, and alter the behavior of the individual, become more subdued, mellow, easier to control. Why do governments want an easy to control population? Connection? Both sides could go on, and on, but it could delve into politics, so I won’t go there.
While on our big adventure, we started with (after sanitizing the system), drinking the tap (tank) water. One stop had us question the water and I had a few, one day, unhappy times. We concluded that us changing water supplies every couple of days was not giving our digestive systems time to adapt. We then moved to bottled water for drinking and tap for everything else until we drop anchor next week for many weeks. We will likely go back to drinking the tap water along with a new filter.
I put the IGNORE on Great Horned Owl because there is just no point to see his post
Just because you either chose to ignore my point, or simply can't understand it, doesn't mean that there is no point.

My point, is that it is Those people who think that is possible to completely eliminate all "toxins" from what they ingest are just being foolish. The question of what is or is not toxic can not be answered without considering the concentration.

let me give you an example that you might be able to understand. If I ask "is iodine toxic", I have asked a completely meaningless question. On the other hand if I ask "Is concentrated iodine toxic?", the answer is clearly yes. If I ask "Are very low concentrations if iodine toxic?" the answer, in not only no, but that low concentrations are essential.

Asking if a particular substance is toxic, is asking a completely meaningless question. Rather, we need to ask if a particular concentration of that substance toxic.

Look at the prevalence nowadays of gmo foods, and the rise in digestive issues, connection? If you alter a plant, so it is less palatable to an insect, common sense would dictate that it would be less palatable to a human also.
Your first sentence is the logical fallacy known as Post hoc ergo sum, "after this therefor because of this." Are you aware of any real evidence that connects one to the other?

Even worse is relying on "common sense" to answer a question of science. There was a day when "common sense" told people that the earth can't possibly be round. If it were, people on the other side would fall off. Is that to far back in history for you. It wasn't all that long ago that "common sense" thol a lot of people that space flight was impossible because there is no air for the rocket to "push against."

As for the next sentence, people are not insects. Take, for example, gmo corn, known as BT corn. It has been modified so that it produces a "toxin" called Bacillus thuringiensis. In nature, that toxin is produced by a particular bacterium. It acts in the caterpillars of Lepidoptera (moths and butterflies) to prevent them from metamorphosing into adults, which in turn, prevents them from reproducing. It is completely harmless to humans. It isn't even harmful to other types of insects.

There two possible alternatives to the use of BT corn. The first option is to do nothing. If we choose that option, a large percentage of our corn crop will be destroyed by the larva of the European corn borer. Corn prices will go through the roof, but it is safe. The second choice it to do what was done for many years. That is to spray the corn crop with insecticide. That choice prevents major crop loss, but leaves us eating insecticide residue with our corn. Is that safe? I don't know. It probably depends on the concentration.

Given the facts, what would your choice be? I know what my choice is, and it isn't a knee jerk reaction to "Franken foods."

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I have been drinking from RV water tanks for 30 years. Only 7 of those years have been more than occasionally. Yes, we always sanitize at least once a year with bleach. A couple of times we got nasty tasting water that was biologically safe. In those cases we just dumped the water and refilled a couple of times we good tasting water. I just can’t support using disposable water bottle for my drinking and/or cooking. The amount of plastic waste and extra carbon footprint is too much for me. We do have a filter on our incoming water in the MH, but we didn’t with all our previous trailers. Yes, there is some biologically and chemically bad water in the US, but the reason it makes the papers is because it is so rare.
Years ago, my Grandfather(a dairy farmer), rotated crops, so the use of insecticides was not needed. In the decades since, the push by the USDA, chemical companies, multi-national equipment manufacturers, pharmaceutical companies, have all pushed for ‘fence-row-to-fence-row’ farm and pricing formulas.
Space travel, true space travel has yet to be achieved by us here on earth. Man has never traveled beyond the outer atmosphere of earth.
NASA(Never Any Straight Answers), has yet to actually put a human on the moon, or any other object other than Earth.
Ask yourself, why does NASA operate the largest sound stage and video/film production facilities in the world? Its not just NASA that is in on this scam, any country that has a ‘space agency’, is just fleecing their citizen population.
I have been drinking from RV water tanks for 30 years. Only 7 of those years have been more than occasionally. Yes, we always sanitize at least once a year with bleach. A couple of times we got nasty tasting water that was biologically safe. In those cases we just dumped the water and refilled a couple of times we good tasting water. I just can’t support using disposable water bottle for my drinking and/or cooking. The amount of plastic waste and extra carbon footprint is too much for me. We do have a filter on our incoming water in the MH, but we didn’t with all our previous trailers. Yes, there is some biologically and chemically bad water in the US, but the reason it makes the papers is because it is so rare.
We save our water jugs and refill them at home when we return. In the summer we plan on 2 gallons per person per day. The longest trip we have taken is 8 straight days, so storing 16 gals was easy.
We use a Zero filter for drinking water. For all other things, fresh tank water.
Years ago, my Grandfather(a dairy farmer), rotated crops, so the use of insecticides was not needed. In the decades since, the push by the USDA, chemical companies, multi-national equipment manufacturers, pharmaceutical companies, have all pushed for ‘fence-row-to-fence-row’ farm and pricing formulas.
Space travel, true space travel has yet to be achieved by us here on earth. Man has never traveled beyond the outer atmosphere of earth.
NASA(Never Any Straight Answers), has yet to actually put a human on the moon, or any other object other than Earth.
Ask yourself, why does NASA operate the largest sound stage and video/film production facilities in the world? Its not just NASA that is in on this scam, any country that has a ‘space agency’, is just fleecing their citizen population.
So how are things at the Flat Earth Society these days?
Ask yourself, why does NASA operate the largest sound stage and video/film production facilities in the world? Its not just NASA that is in on this scam, any country that has a ‘space agency’, is just fleecing their citizen population.
I think you forgot to put a whole BUNCH of smiley icons in that post so readers know you're not serious! Lots of gullibles out there 'ya know... :rolleyes:

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