Violence towards RV'ers

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I think others have covered the subject pretty well, however i will add a couple of comments.

I question how much good a hand gun would be when being attacked by a hungry grisly bear.

As mentioned previously, the NRL posts many articles demonstrating where armed citizens improved their situation with a weapon.  There also are many situations where a weapon made things worse, see above.  Once I was in a situation where very strong words exchanged & I was physically threatened.  Had I been armed someone would have been shot.  As it were, nobody was injured.

In high school I got a part-time job at a gas station.  The first night on the job the boss was showing me around.  He opend the cash drawer all the way and exposed a loaded revolver at the back of the drawer.  His words were; If you need this it is here, if you pull it out use it - if you don't intend to use it leave it there.  Pretty good advice if you ask me.

I think it is wonderful to live in a place where we have the freedom to carry a weapon.  Like most I think it is a dirty shame that a need exists.  Personally, I think that because anybody you see might be carrying must cause criminals to take a second thought about acousting you in a parking lot.

There is little better security than being aware of your surroundings and choosing where to be, or not to be.  Aside from being robbed, I would suspect that many, if not most situations escalate and become dangerous because someone is just unwilling to walk away from an altercation.  That is immaturity!


This is a discussion with no universally correct answer and I'll not attempt one. I will say that if you are not conversant with firearms, particularly handguns, you have no business having them! And conversant means having the training and having practiced until you are comfortable with the weapon. One useful exercise, at least in Texas (which believe it or not has some of the most stringent requirements training wise for obtaining a CHL) is to take a CHL course (you don't even have to own a weapon). Other training ranges from military to NRA courses to professional training that may last a week or more.

Regardless of training, very few of us will have a need to carry on a daily (or probably yearly) basis. There are times, however, that it may seem a good idea. I know and practice the "be aware, watchful, etc." theory, but what if your RV/Jeep quits in the wrong place; say South Dallas around Fair Park (a major venue). You may wish you had a weapon available.
Just my $0.02 worth,


PS To address the original question, Yes! But only from the "those guys make me nervous" perspective, not from having actually been assaulted (owing a service station - in a good neighborhood - is another story). I don't expect to stay in a Park where its likely that I will be assaulted, but I've seen some that made me wonder.

PPS True Story. I once had a rental car die on Hwy 50 in DC. I had one of my engineers with me, a pretty young blond, and while I went looking for a phone, she was basically blackmailed by two locals into paying them $20 to push the car off the road. She was terrified! Certainly not an occasion for using a weapon, but having one available (not gonna happen in the peoples capitol!) would have made her more comfortable.

PPPS Has anyone else noticed the high correlation between the areas with high crime and a reputation for official corruption, and strict gun laws?
I hope no one from this Web Site happened to be in the area of the two fatalities plus one injury from the shootings in Ohio in the Trailer Park.
The photos of the scene indicated that the shooting were to and from an RV, shootings after a report of crimes in the RV where Sheriff's Deputies responded. The bad guy in the RV and one Female Deputy were killed. One other Deputy was seriously injured. The persons in the closely adjacent RV were not injured.
For BernieD, and anyone else with the same question and related thought.

I am not in any way suggesting that anyone who does not wish to have, carry or use a firearm should have one. In fact as a life long LEO I have always advised everyone that if they choose not to have a weapon, then don't have one. But I have also always pointed out that when Seconds count in an emergency, the Police are Minutes away.

Bernie, in addition to the sources that I mentioned above, the direct answer to your thought can be found by researching the Centers for Disease Control, National Center for Injury Prevention and Control (The Federal Agency tasked with collecting this information.)

There are many other sources of factual information that can clarify much of the guess work and speculation that has been expressed on this site. I know that many, or most, have developed an opinion on this subject, on both sides. Unfortunately much of it is with a basis of heresay and not actual knowledge.
Don't need guns in RVs.  Just a couple can of Wasps spray.  Shoots 30' with acuaracy, will put perp in hospital, but not life threatening, just call the cops and tell them to check the ER for the perps.
You can use the wasp spray but then theres two sides to the story he can say we was just walking by and you tried to rob him using the spray. Might have you put in jail and sue you
jim and di said:
The first thing to concider is are you capable of using the weapon in self defence and without hesitation pulling the trigger. If not them the answer is not for you to carry........  "Better to have a gun and not need it than to need a gun and not have it"

I agree with both of those statements. Furthermore, there is always going to be crime, even in countries that ban guns. Consequently, there is always going to be a victim. Now if I am confronted with a robbery, I am not going to pull a gun and start shooting. Any trained, licensed handgun owner would consider that as absurd. But if it is a life and death issue, then I prefer to not to be the victim.

When you visit a campground, you can be assured that someone has a handgun in their RV. I suspect that the majority of RVs have fire extinguishers. No one questions the value of a fire extinguisher.

As I read the entire thread, I was impressed that everyone was considerate of other opposite opinions. No one was flamed for having a pro or anti-gun stance. Either is a personal choice that must be respected by both sides.
FLYBOY said:
Now if I am confronted with a robbery, I am not going to pull a gun and start shooting. Any trained, licensed handgun owner would consider that as absurd.

Depends on what they are 'taking'.. Some things I am pretty attached to..Others I may help them load.... ;D
FLYBOY said:
Now if I am confronted with a robbery, I am not going to pull a gun and start shooting. Any trained, licensed handgun owner would consider that as absurd.

Maybe if you're just shooting randomly, that would be absurd.  But a robbery could most certainly be a potential life-and-death situation that could warrant the defensive use of a firearm.  Robberies can easily end in violence and/or death for the victim unfortunately.
I think the movie was "Six Pack" (The one where Kenny Rogers "Adopts" a group of six homeless kids)

He was attacked by some bad dudes and "Extinguished" the fire of their lust with a dry chemical fire extinguisher.

Imagine breathing with a face full of Baking Soda ..... Worked.
I've actually witness 2 shootings while camping in the Mojave Desert.  The first time was my when my Dad shot a rattlesnake that came into our campsite and the second time, four months later, when my husband shot and killed a snake that came out from under our rig and fatally wounded our dog.  That was 4 years ago and needless to say, we haven't camped in the desert since.  I see no need to camp with a gun unless you're in a very remote area.
I'm more afraid of idiotic gun laws than either weapons or thugs.  Papers are full of folks being arrested for having a gun - not pointing it, not shooting it, just having it. 

I'm now looking for some 9mm wasp spray.

I agree the discussions have been well thought out and considerate. Being a veteran police officer I still support the CC laws and the right to own and bear arms. It is still one of the founding principals of our country that makes us different than most others. It's great that England Bobbies aren't usually armed, etc., but this isn't England or Canada or Mexico (they have their own problems). Everyone needs to handle this situation based on their own personal feelings and comfort level. Mankind has been aggressive towards others as long as he has inhabited this earth. And it's not going to change, ever. Being aware of your surroundings and planning ahead is the first, best action. Not leaving an open invitation to thieves is the second. The majority of thieves are opportunists. Quick and easy pickings. Threats of serious harm usually come from an isolated incident or one that has escalated from a minor confrontation. Deadly force is only to be used if you or another person is in real danger and fear for your life. Missouri has the castle doctrine which includes property and I'm not 100% on that one. I'm not sure someones life is worth my BBQ grill or my vehicle, although it would definitely P@#* me off. I travel armed and apply that to my surroundings at any given time. Hoping to never have to use it, but would be glad I had it if the need ever arose. Never forget what Adm. Yamamoto said about the U.S. early in WWII. Japan will never be able to invade the U.S., there would be a gun behind every blade of grass!! We never want to become another China or Iran or country that has that kind of control over it's citizens. Being as free a society as the U.S. is does have some drawbacks, but I wouldn't trade it for any other country. Sorry for the long winded post, just had to throw in my two cents. Safe travels to all.
You are 100% right. We need to keep the right to have a weapon if we choose. I am involved with owning and working on my weapons. I choose not to carry any. When I am not on the range they are locked up. I am a proud owner and my son and son in law are also. We are free to do what we want I hope we keep that right.
Many of the posts on this site are correct for the point of view of the writer.

One point that I have not specifically noticed is the comparison of when and/or what hazzard might warrant the use or availability of a firearm. As a lifetime LEO I have noticed that the problems that I have been involved with require different strategies. For example those who are concerned about bears, lions, dogs, etc, would do well to have Bear Spray for use. From my experiences an attack by Wild Life, including dogs, comes as a surprise with only seconds to react. It takes an expremely expert firearm user to accurately react in these situations. Bear Spray requires less skill.
On the other hand, most of the firearms related incidents that I am familiar with, have been involving people. With criminal assailants, a firearm as a deterant is usually sufficient without firing a shot. Whether or not a shot is necessary, the victim has a better chance of success against another human.
Rancher Will said:
With criminal assailants, a firearm as a deterant is usually sufficient without firing a shot. Whether or not a shot is necessary, the victim has a better chance of success against another human.

You're certainly right Will about all of the different points of view being expressed.  I'm by no means an expert on the subject and I'm getting a lot to think about on this thread.  But my point of view has always been that pulling a gun on another human being as a deterant is often times an escalation of the situation which becomes a self fulfilling prophecy... "yep, as soon as I pulled my gun he drew his.  I knew he was up to no good"... and I know the common response to this is the "judged by 12 vs carried by 6 argument".

No easy answers to fit everone though...

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