Violence towards RV'ers

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I would suggest that whatever you do at home might be what you might do in the RV.
When I camp, I camp a lot in SE AZ, where is lots of smuggling activity. I often boondock in national forests, which are highways for illegals. I have a CCW, and reciprocity in AZ state, so packing is natural for me. There are also bear and cougar in areas where I camp, and they do come into the campsites at times.
I am more concerned about my cooking than keeping a hand gun in my trailer. I made dinner tonight and I think I am going to die. If someone broke in to my RV and took my hand gun I would panic!  At home I have a safe. The safe in my RV is a joke.
If I cannot defend us, I'm sure our 13lb Shih Tsu will take care of 'em!  She thinks she weighs 80lb and won't back down from anything.
This has been an interesting thread. This is a topic that I have been giving a lot of consideration to lately.
In my experiences so far I haven?t even needed to have a weapon. However in a year from now we will be almost full time or extended time people. I am still on the fence as to carry or not to carry. Yes I know I am the only one who can make that decision.

A few years ago I was broke down along side the road with my wife and two daughters in their prime.
It didn?t bother me a first but after about four hours and darkness not too far away I started to get really really nervious. As luck would have it another camper came by stopped and got us going again. I did not have a gun with me then and I have always wondered if I would have felt better if I had one.

I don?t want to be out there and be a na?ve camper but I also think about the consequences of misuse. For me it?s a serious issue and not an easy decision. 
This did NOT happen in my RV but last night coming from from work I stopped to get milk at a convenience store I walked up behind the man that was in line to pay for the milk and seen the girl running the store was crying. When I walked up the Man in front of me turned around and stuck a knife at me and said he wanted my wallet and not to try anything and I wouldn't get " stuck". I keep my colt in my waste band in my back. He changed his mind about sticking anybody when he was looking in the barrel of a 45.  I really don't think he had a permit to carry the butcher knife. He most likely stole it somewhere. So banning concealed weapons would not have helped me at all. I guess to each his own about guns But as for me I will keep mine with me all the time.
Glad things worked out for you Mike.  Could have been ugly.  The best gunfights are those where no shots are fired. 

Thanks, Peace Officers, for supporting our natural right to bear arms as enumerated by 2A.  I wish there were more like you that trust the average Joe and don't come unglued at the mere thought of CC or sight of an openly carried sidearm.  As mentioned, it's a very personal decision to carry as it entails considerable responsibility. 

I take the responsibility to protect myself and my family seriously, so I often pack.  Done so for decades and have considerable training.  However, the firearm is the last resort and only if met by deadly force.  (Employ the Force Triangle.)  I have no desire to kill any living thing unless it's directly threatening my life/loved ones or I intend to eat, say, venison. ;) 

My first line of defense is between my ears, as it is for all of us.  Being aware of surroundings is critical to self preservation.  Following one's 'gut' on places to avoid can be beneficial.  I've avoided more than one location during my life just because it didn't look right.  Drives my DW crazy sometimes, but better safe than sorry.  However, sometimes one can't avoid a less than desireable situation, such as breaking down in unknown territory or simply being in the wrong place at the wrong time.  Been there, done that WRT breaking down hundreds of miles from home and tools.  And while I didn't need my sidearm, I was darn glad I had it.  Preparation yields less stress, clearer thinking and confidence to handle the unexpected appropriately.  In other words, lack of preparation leads to panicking,which breeds mistakes which breeds stress, etc.  Guess that's the Scout in me.  ;D


Glad to see a civil discussion of the subject. 
mike eddleman said:
So banning concealed weapons would not have helped me at all. I guess to each his own about guns But as for me I will keep mine with me all the time.

Wow, sure glad it all worked out for you last night Mike. 

This has been a very civil and informative thread but I've seen a number of folks express why concealed weapons should NOT be banned even though I haven't seen a single post suggest otherwise.  :eek:

I'd like to say i'm glad you weren't hurt as well! I put this post in because i figured that i would get a good idea weather there is a "real danger" RV'ing in the USA that would prove a need for a handgun and so far i'm not seeing one. Being a Canadian we don't have the gun violence here that you folks in the US have and to be frank [i don't mean to upset anyone] i've always been of the opinion that the gun laws you have created the problem,everyone's got to own a handgun to feel secure and because there so available and in such a large quantity the wrong people are getting them. My friends son is a constable with the OPP and as he tells it here in Canada the pot goes south and the illiegal guns go north wich is really becoming a problem on the west coast and is moving east,now were seeing a noticable increase in home invasions and gun violence here in Windsor wich is very disconcerning. I appreciate the American attitude when i comes to your right to bear arms i just hate the idea of handguns in general,there made for only one real purpose and i don't see that they have any buisness in an RV at a RV campground with kids and such however i would never presume to tell someone as a guest in their country that they shouldn't be allowed to have a handgun for protecton, i'ts funny,i was a bouncer at a downtown bar for several years and was confronted by an American patron with a gun who turned out to be an off-duty cop from Dearborn Michigan that brought in a semi-automatic handgun into the bar to shoot the guy his wife was involved with,after taking the gun from him FORCIBLY,,,i decided it was time to quit,that was the only time in my life i delt with someone with a gun,if someone ever confronted me while we were RV'ing in the states i really don't know what i'd do,when i dummied that cop in the bar i was twenty five years younger and in much better fighting trim than i am today,,,,i hope i never have to find out!
Interesting thread, and too bad it turned to guns.

Funny how 5.7 Billion people around the world manage without them, and somehow they are critical in the US. There are enough guns here for 3 of every 4 people to have one. Sad...

Anyway, I think that people bring issues like violence onto themselves. I am looking forward to a long happy RV'ing retirement without a gun. I was in the USMC during vietnam, I have not touched a gun since.

Please lets not have this discussion turn into personal attacks. We have been doing great so far.
Your right Frank it didn't start about guns he was asking about the safety in RVs. As stated before I read on this forum about people in RVs being robbed and set on fire. I've read about animals eating people in a tent , Ive read about people being attacked in parking lots because he was in a RV and a man having to die because of it. How you handle each of these would be up to the person they were happening to.
If it's a lot safer in Canada where they don't need to worry about things like that then it sounds like a good place to be camping in.
FrankNSharon said:
Interesting thread, and too bad it turned to guns.

Funny how 5.7 Billion people around the world manage without them, and somehow they are critical in the US. There are enough guns here for 3 of every 4 people to have one. Sad...

Anyway, I think that people bring issues like violence onto themselves. I am looking forward to a long happy RV'ing retirement without a gun. I was in the USMC during vietnam, I have not touched a gun since.


FrankNSharnon's assertion that "people bring issues like violence onto themselves" is what provoked my anger, in specific. I'm sure he will not defend such a stupid assertion. I have no issue with his choice not to bear arms. But to assert that the victims of violence somehow deserve it is horrible and callous. Of course some victims take part in tit-for-tat exchanges that escalate. But many, perhaps most, of the victims of violence are innocent, chosen for what they might have to take, for vulnerability, or for no rational reason whatsoever.

I've traveled areas of the country from extremely safe to somewhat dangerous. I am, in particular, a hummingbird photographer. This brings me annually to southeast Arizona, a region rampant with drug smugglers and illegals. It's also the only area in the country where one can photograph as many species. I have NEVER had a problem with anyone, anywhere. It's a place of fantastic beauty, incredible wild life, and wonderful people.

Violence can happen at any time, to anyone, anywhere, for any reason. As we saw in Tucson, no rational reason is required. To impugn the victims is dastardly.

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