Water Test Kits

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Are all water test kits basically the same for the average consumer? 

I thought about testing the water in my fresh water tank, just to be sure its safe.  I am not the original owner of this RV.

I thought about trying to test for BPA but i dont want to pay $30 for a test kit. 

Most tests that would be worth doing involve sending a water sample out to a professional lab, and will generally cost upwards of $100.
A proper sanitize will sanitize the entire system!

Drain the Got Water tank.
Fill the fresh water tank, adding ? to ? cup bleach per 20 gal of water.  Using the on board pump, fill the WH and run water through EVERY faucet, hot and cold side, individually, until each puts out water with a strong chlorine odor.  Include the toilet, shower, outside shower, washer, low point drains, etc.  Refill the fresh tank and allow to sit for at least 12 hours.


When done, drain the HW tank and fresh tank.  Refill and drain fresh tank. Using either shore water or fresh water tank, refill WH and run water out of each faucet as above until the chlorine odor is gone.

A water filter system of some type is highly recommended.  This can be as simple as an in line cartridge to a two or three filter cartridge system to a RO system.  This assures the water in the camper is fit to consume.
grashley said:
Fill the fresh water tank, adding ? to ? cup bleach per 20 gal of water.  Using the on board pump, fill the WH and run water through EVERY faucet, hot and cold side, individually, until each puts out water with a strong chlorine odor.  Include the toilet, shower, outside shower, washer, low point drains, etc.  Refill the fresh tank and allow to sit for at least 12 hours.
Per NFPA 1192 Standard on RVs, use 1/4 cup of bleach per 15 gal of water (50 ppm solution) to fill your RV water tank. Run this chlorinated water through all faucets. Then let it sit for 4 hours. If you want a stronger solution, then use 1/2 cup of bleach per 15 gal of water (100 ppm solution) and let sit 1 hour. In either case, drain and flush your RV water system with fresh water.

A less toxic, but more expensive, alternative is to use Purogene:

grashley said:
A water filter system of some type is highly recommended.  This can be as simple as an in line cartridge to a two or three filter cartridge system to a RO system.  This assures the water in the camper is fit to consume.
If you're only camping part time (weekends, etc), then one of those in-line filters is probably ok. However, typically those blue in-line filters are just sediment filters that will keep rocks out of your water system.

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