Where are you all this beautiful November day? (2012)

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Well-known member
May 31, 2012
I am stuck at home, buried in work. Please tell me where you are and what you see out your window.  ;D
I see the west wall of Zion Canyon and it is beautiful fall weather outside. The fall colors in the cottonwood trees are stunning. I am just getting ready to grab my camera and go look for critters to photograph. Have a nice day Stella.
out the windows, pic attached.


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In Sutherlin, OR, we're enjoying the last of our brief Indian Summer respite.  Snow down to pass levels is forecast for Thursday.  Our fall color is now a little past its prime, but this fall has been glorius and the liquidamber trees are still very colorful.  Life is very, very good.

Can not easily do photos just now but Water,, I'm kind of in the middle of a lake.  South Cove (Oconee county, SC) park, the RV park is a "Land finger" the rear (No windows) faces the "main land) the front and side windows all face the lake.
Sitting in my recliner being assaulted by the election coverage, just waiting for surgery in a couple of days.

Can you put a date with these posts because someone might see your post for the first time and it may be February, 2013.

I'm sitting in an office without a window in a concrete building (a warehouse) in Riverside, CA.  (Just like almost every workday from 6 AM - 2:30 PM.)

Everyone else is showing you the rosey side of life, thought you might appreciate a different perspective.

Enjoying a nice week here in Branson Missouri celebrating Veterans Week, and seeing old friends and fellow Veterans. The whole town has rolled out the welcome mat, and made all the Veterans feel welcome, not like it was in the 60's and 70's when we returned from Viet Nam.

Ha! Sure thing- I will add a date from here on out. It is so true that threads have eternal live on the internet.

Gosh most of you are in awesome places!  For those who are buried in work at work and waiting for surgery when are you hoping to get back on the road?
Just got the Winnebago winterized and am also awaiting two surgeries.
One in Nov. & a second in Dec.
So sadly, I'm done till spring. :-[
Waiting by the phone for the scheduling nurse to call me and tell me when they can replace my knee with some sort of hinge thingie so I can walk easier.  I'm also watching it drizzle rain..........
In the MH at my daughters 25 acre farm (Leasburg Mo ) just watching the goats and horses run in the fields. Working on setting in place for the winter or at least till after the first of the year.....We have put in our own spot with full hook up and 100 amp drop the box. Have lots of power for company.
Out the window to the east, from this computer room in my house,  I see a couple of homes, some trees and clear blue skies. Some early mornings there are beautiful sunrises. On the other side of the house looking west, I see a row of houses quite a ways off, a pair of goats, anything from two to six horses, sometimes chickens, and glimpses of the mountains. As the trees back there shed their leaves, I'll see more of the mountains. Occasionally a coyote wanders through the back yard, and we used to see an occasional fox. Many evenings bring gorgeous sunsets.
Buy and installing new gates for the property...


So when I pack up the RV I can leaving knowing nothing in the yard will leave either.

Then stacking this winter firewood.



Ogden UT, at Willard Bay St Pk.  with Jm & Pat Dick, on our way south.
  Mountain range to the east, Salt Lake to the west.  Golden foliage all around.
Sittin in my 5ver on the SW corner of Lake Arlington, Fort Worth, TX.  Low of 43 this morning and 77 is the forcasted high today.

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