Total Eclipse 2024?

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Reminiscent of Y2K hype. It's kinda eerie when it goes dark but our county is on the centerline so we are prepping for a gazillion visitors. We shall see.
Y2K helped sell generators to morons. If the earth and moon continue on their orbital paths I’m guaranteeing a total eclipse and I think they’re largely estimating the crowds based on this not being the first total eclipse in history. Weather may however dampen the mood here in Texas anyway.
You should go. 100% is the most amazing thing to see.
I'll just lean over really far towards the west in my driveway chair, LOL.

Seriously, though, I'm sure 100% is something to see (or not see?) but I would be miserable in what I assume will be crazy traffic where they are going so I'd ruin the trip for all of us. Everyone will be happier this way. ;)
We have our rv at a ‘permanent’ spot just outside of Lampasas TX., we will head over this Saturday(to beat the Sunday rush) and hang out there for the craziness. Like others have stated, this is not the first one I will see, won’t be the last. Early prediction is for a cloudy/rain day, but it will still get dark in the middle of the day, that’s whole idea right?
This is the last one for many years in the U.S.A. March 29 2025 the extreme NE portion of Maine will be able to see a partial of that one.
For us in the path of totality now, this will not occur again for 365 years.
We saw the total eclipse in 2017 from a very remote campground in Idaho. It was an incredible experience, and I wrote down the date of this one the same day! It is well worth taking some trouble to see it. The shadows cast during the eclipse and then the sun showing its corona when the moon fully covers if cannot be described in words. We are set up in a campground in southern Texas in the 4 minute totality area, and the forecast is for light clouds here and heavier clouds east of us. I am just crossing my fingers.
Looks like I'm going to watch it from my easy chair, on my big screen TV, with appropriate beverage in hand. ;)
Safe travels and all the best
We'll be in our own driveway for the eclipse. We are right in the middle of the path! Mounds State Park in Anderson, Indiana is booked 100%.
If Anderson is like Vincennes, every bed N breakfast, motel, hotel, CG/RV park within 50 miles has been sold out for 3 months. Looks like you will have clear skies, we're forecast to be partly cloudy.
We're staying home too, under the blue line of totality.
I live in Indianapolis, it certainly is hyped around here. The Motor Speedway is even having a mega viewing party, everything is closed for the day, and all locals are advised to stay off the roads. Weather forecast has turned for the better, should be clear to partly cloudy. Between this, and Purdue in the championship NCAA basketball game tonight, it seems like a good day ahead, I'm headed for a motorcycle ride this morning :cool:
Plans for Eclipse Day:

The Totality will pass Dallas at about 1:40 today. I intent to dance incoherently with covered in my Tradescantia Zebrina codpiece and oiled head to toe with Irrawaddy Dolphin tallow. My headpiece will be jeweled unicorn horn adorned with Poudretteite. I will frolic in the mystifying lux en tenebris as I await the imminent harpazo.

Then I have an allergist appointment at 3. Maybe spaghetti tonight.
Brother says I-55 and State hwy 21 are both parking lots S out of STL.
He lives on a farm road that runs between the two, and it is also dead stop traffic w 2 hours to go.
nacked eye 100%.jpg
We gathered with neighbors at the community center, socialized and watched the slow approach and experienced the totality and the return. It got rather like dusk, then as the last rim of sun was covered it got dark very suddenly and then about 4 minutes later, just as suddenly it was light again!
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It was completely cloudy where we were, but the radar showed the clouds were breaking northwest. We headed that way until we could see the sun, maybe 20 miles. Well worth it. We still had occasional clouds, but they broke beautifully just as totality happened, showing us the corona. Everything got dark and the birds stopped chirping. Then the clouds rolled in again. We saw the 2017 eclipse, and it was so fabulous we put this one down in the calendar same day! While I could have wished for clear skies, I don’t regret the effort to see it.
I too took pictures; haven't been able to view my video of the event yet. Apparently my 35 yr. old Sony Handicam still works.
The last solar eclipse to last this long in the U.S.A. was in 1806, and another will not happen for another 300+ years.


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NYC, LVN, DFW, and the list continues. English is the most difficult language to learn I'm told, this doesn't help.
I was told the same thing growing up. I don't know, though. You ever take a look at Mandarin? I guess learning to speak and understand it would not be too difficult, but the writing is nothing but Sinograms...or pictograms, or whatever they are called. Whoever invented the Chinese typewriter was a genius.

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