Any American Idol fans?

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A tough audience, glad I'm not competing  ;D

Sunday Chris and I attended a concert of Gilbert & Sullivan works. Just before the show, a friend who was performing several solos said "I want you to be utterly critical and brutally honest". This guy has more musical talent in his big toe than I could ever imagine myself having.
PancakeBill said:
In the meantime, David Cook in an apparent breach of Idol contract, his CD's were pulled from Amazon.  I always thought that to get on the show, you didn't have recording contracts in the past. 

David A, by winning his division in Star Search a cople years ago, I would have thought would not be qualified. 

David A when he scrunches his face reminds me of a yong Gilbert Godfried.

THAT'S IT !!!! He looks like Gilbert Godfried !!

As for havng past recording contracts, if they go by that rule then Carly has to go, too. I never have quite figured out their rules. Supposed to be a contest for non-professionals but it doesn't seem to work out that way.

wendycoke said:
THAT'S IT !!!! He looks like Gilbert Godfried !!
Wendy and Lorna:

Funny that you mentioned "something we don't like about David Archuletta".  I was thinking that very same thing last night and came up with him looking like the little "what .. me worry?" guy, but that wasn't exactly "it", either.  Gilbert Godfried is very close but still no cigar for me yet.  ;)  I just can't put my finger on it.  David A. has a wonderful voice but somehow lacks the star quality some of the others possess. 

I haven't yet decided who my favorite is this year, but am leaning toward Brooke.  I hope she survives last night's disasterous beginning.  Very talented bunch this year.  I think Mr. Dreadlocks should be the next to go.

I haven't yet decided who my favorite is this year, but am leaning toward Brooke.  I hope she survives last night's disasterous beginning.  Very talented bunch this year.  I think Mr. Dreadlocks should be the next to go.

Agree with all the above Margi, but I picked David Archuletta early in the competition as having the talent to go all the way. I have no idea what folks are talking about with his looks, must have been before my time in the U.S. Andrew Lloyd Weber gave him some good advice on keeping his eyes open, and I could see he was having to concentrate on that last night.
Since I am bad with names I like D. Archuletta but think that Mr. Dreadlocks should have gone long ago.
I just watched the recording of last night's show over again, and here's my rankings:

Shyesha Mercado
David Cook
Brook White
David Archuleta

Y'all on Eastern time and central time, please don't spoil this week's outcome for us folks on the west coast.
Poor Jason doesn't even get a ranking of last?? I know you don't like him but at least include him :)

BTW, I agree with the overall order of your ranking.

I know you don't like him but at least include him

He just hasn't been in my top any number. He should have gone a long time ago, and last night's performance was awful. But, I was proved wrong again.
I couldn't believe the bottom two tonight.  Maybe I am from the wrong generation.  Tom, I agree Jason should have gone tonight.
That makes three of us Lorna; Chris and I couldn't believe it.
Add two more. Mike and I couldn't believe the bottom 2. We had both picked Jason and Brooke. And I still like Jason but I, too, thought it was time for him to go. He seems to just be hanging out any more. As for Neil Diamond, I can't imagine what any of them are going to sing next week.

Add two more.  The only explanation for Jason's remaining in the competition:  the teeny boppers must be texting their little thumbs off. 

Next week:  Cracklin Rosie?  Sweet Caroline?  I Am I Said?  Kentucky Woman?  Brother Love's Travelling Salvation Show?  Solitary Man?  He Ain't Heavy He's My Brother?  Red Red Wine?  Hard to imagine .... gonna be interesting.  ;)

I have been a Carly fan from the start......I am not a big tat fan, but the girl sang Crazy on You by Heart in one of the early shows......Heart is just one of those groups you just dont try and do unless you got "pipes" and I thought she did a fantastic job...I probably would have bought her cd's.......You know that little chill that runs up and down your spine one someone does a great job of singing a song?......I havent felt that little tingle with any of the contestants that are left....maybe I am just becoming an old foggy  :p
the teeny boppers must be texting their little thumbs off.

LOL Margi, that's exactly what I told Chris last evening.
Tom said:
LOL Margi, that's exactly what I told Chris last evening.

Watch the audience and it's those teenie boppers who are screaming their brains out for David A. I think he and Jason are both getting that young vote. But, hey, it's the young ones that spend the most on records.

Hmmm, Red Red Wine would be a great one for Jason to sing with his ukulele.

But, hey, it's the young ones that spend the most on records.

You're right Wendy. I'm still hanging onto my vinyl LP of Harry Belafonte singing 'Oh Island In The Sun'  ;D
My 15 year old (girl) neighbor is a great rule of thumb as to who will win, or at least be in the final two - none other than Jason Dreadlocks.  She told me all her friends, which seems to be most of the females at school, judging by he popularity at home, vote multiple times for Jason, "...because he's cute" (he words not mine).  I think he's like a deer caught in the headlights most of the time.  She also said she didn't think he was the best singer, but also said no-one (her friends) would bother to watch the show if he was voted off.  According to stats. I read somewhere, as mentioned in an earlier post,  her age group and gender are the majority of voters.  The younger David, get's the teeny-bopper girls (11-14) vote - the second greatest majority of voters.  At this stage it's really down to popularity.  Good, quality singing and outstanding performance take second seating.  A prime example is/was Taylor Hicks - the prematurely grey haired dude a couple of series back.  His vocal range wasn't nearly as good as most of the other top ten placements, but he was quirky, memorable and popular. 

I think Sayesha is the next to go - she just doesn't have the voting demographic to pull her through. 


My 15 year old (girl) neighbor is a great rule of thumb as to who will win

BT, with a 20 year old grandson in college, this feels like two generation gaps  :(

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