Windows 10 Reservation made.......

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oldme said:
Try going to Setting...Devices... Mouse
and setup your mouse.

If that does not work use the divide menu and check for a new driver.
Did the mouse settings. Did settings using Logitech setpoint, I reinstalled mouse software complete.

I admit I don't know what a divide menu is.
tvman44 said:
What I am curious about is if you can down load Win 10 but not install just yet. Just want to get it while I can.

Once it downloads, it will be scheduled for installation on the next restart.  You can change the restart date and time, or restart immediately, but it will install when you next restart the computer.  By accepting the download, you have committed to the upgrade.
bobsharon said:
I admit I don't know what a divide menu is.

I think he means "devices", specifically the device manager.
Ned said:
Once it downloads, it will be scheduled for installation on the next restart.  You can change the restart date and time, or restart immediately, but it will install when you next restart the computer.  By accepting the download, you have committed to the upgrade.

That seems to be contrary to the information given in the original reservation where it was to be downloaded but could be installed at your leisure. By forcing an installation, the opportunity to make a complete back-up before attempting an update seems to have been overlooked. The opportunity to cancel seems to be still available on the newest version of the "Get Windows Now" icon but it is skillfully hidden in the "III" menu under "View Confirmation"

Off to make that backup now, don't want/need any surprises!!
Once Windows 10 is downloaded, you have the option to restart immediately and install, or set a date and time for the installation.  You'll have time to take any backups or perform other preparations before restarting the computer.  But if you don't set the schedule, it will eventually restart for you.
I bit the bullet and upgraded last night. It took a while but one fortunate thing was I didn't just blindly click "default settings" during the set up.  It gave me the option choose the default features in Windows or uncheck the concerned box to presumably use my previous settings.

I unchecked the "Edge Browser" box, and the "Music" box, along with a host of options weather or not to send various "location info" and "browsing" info to Microsoft.  When the update finished and I reopened the browser, Chrome was still my browser of choice.
Good job, Marty.  That's the same good experience most people are having with the upgrade.  I never accept the defaults for any program installation, but always go through them anyway even if I don't change them.
Ned, is there any pressing reason why a casual user, blindly happy with W7 on (non touch screens), to upgrade to W10?  The idea sounded good when I signed up for the option, but can't think why I want to proceed now.  Thanks in advance, lou
Lou, if you're happy with 7 there is no compelling reason to upgrade right now.  You have 1 full year to get the free upgrade so wait a month or so and then decide.  I do recommend you get it at some point as it is, in my opinion, the best version of Windows yet.
After an upgrade, is there going to be a way of recovering disc space by deleting the vestiges of W7 (or other operating system), other than a clean install using the ISO image?? Can we cleanly return to W7 if desired??
You can revert to the previous version of Windows for one month after upgrading.  After that, just delete the windows.old folder from your C: drive to reclaim the space.
tvman44 said:
What I am curious about is if you can down load Win 10 but not install just yet. Just want to get it while I can. I am still suspicious of MS as to what there ulterior motive is, they don't give anything for free, there has to be something in it for them down the line.

You and I both (Suspicious of MS)  The file at the "Media creator" link is a shell that downloads the actual update,  since the actuall update is likely changing day to day the URL for the update changes from day to day so the shell needs to be downloaded just prior to the update or it gets stuck on 0% downloaded as my computer #2 did last night.. I will re-download the shell today and try again.
Ive only had one glitch but it was an easy fix. I had no sound after the upgrade. I had to shut it down though because we went out of town for the weekend. Yesterday I still had no sound, but just pulled out the speaker plug from the back of the computer, waited a minute, then plugged it back in. A half a minute later, I had sound.

One of my favorite timesucker games is an old shareware dos program called Sherlock that I got 20 years ago. I upgraded it a few years ago because the old version would not work in Windows 7.  The Windows 10 upgrade didn't do anything to it and it still works great. :)
That's it!!, I just cancelled my two reservations. I don't have any bandwidth to give away to Microsoft for their "torrent-like" schemes for updates.
Alfa38User said:
That's it!!, I just cancelled my two reservations. I don't have any bandwidth to give away to Microsoft for their "torrent-like" schemes for updates.

You can easily turn that feature off, it's no reason to not upgrade.  And if you have multiple computers, it can actually save bandwidth by letting you distribute the updates from one computer to the others in the LAN so all don't have to download them.  You can allow updates to be sent only to computers on your network and not over the internet.  It's really one of the nice new features of Windows 10.
Paul & Ann said:
You can also check if your computer is compatible with Windows 10 by clicking on the 3 lines in the upper left hand corner.  It opens a drop down box and under Getting the Upgrade you can click on the link to check for compatibility. 


I did that and it told me all was good.  So when they notify me that it's ready for download a couple of days later, I am told that my PC is not compatible with Windows 10.  Good as I am very happy with Windows 7 and regretted signing up for 10 when I did.
IMHO you are shooting yourself in the foot it you turn updates off.  Most of those updates are security related and need to be installed to protect you from hackers.  At the very least do what Ned does and download them manually when you get to a place with decent bandwidth.

Apple releases patches in the same way MS does, only not as quickly so they come down in bigger 'batches'.

Ned said:
I think he means "devices", specifically the device manager.

Thanks you are right.
Too many thing running in my retired brain.

I think that needs and upgrade.
8Muddypaws said:
IMHO you are shooting yourself in the foot it you turn updates off.  Most of those updates are security related and need to be installed to protect you from hackers...

Some people are scared of anything without any reason, I guess they just forgot what  "human evolution" means !

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