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My husband’s cousin has a severe peanut allergy, and he is well over 65 years old. He was hospitalized once when another cousin blew in his face after eating peanuts, not believing the allergy was real. I have a number of friends allergic to shellfish. I know a couple of others with egg allergies. And then there are the people who have been bitten by lone star ticks and become allergic to a chemical found in most red meats including beef and pork. It isn’t really very rare.
Actually, it is pretty rare. You just happen to be one of those 1-in-a-million people who know a lot of folks that are allergic to something. The other 999,999 don't know anyone.
What's really rare is when the only hospitalization event in the life of a peanut allergist is due to being breathed upon.
I find this scenario implausible, given the rampant presence of peanuts everywhere.
Talking about my comment? The hospitalization was 50+ years ago, before the arrival of ubiquitous epipens. I know he had and conquered cancer, so I doubt it was the only hospitalization. But I do know all his family completely removed peanuts from their houses, and we were all told to not put them in any dishes brought to a family potluck. More knowledge of food allergies has probably made a real difference in his life.
At church and other pot-luck get-together I post my recipe in front of the gumbo pot for anyone that may have an allergy to the ingredients. Sometimes I get a thank you from a few folks, also from those who would like the recipe.


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Actually, it is pretty rare. You just happen to be one of those 1-in-a-million people who know a lot of folks that are allergic to something. The other 999,999 don't know anyone.
Did you ever notice,

if someone says they know someone who cut off a finger ,

there is always someone out there that knows someone who cut off their arm.;)
Did you ever notice,

if someone says they know someone who cut off a finger ,

there is always someone out there that knows someone who cut off their arm.;)
I know a guy who lost a finger - my dad. He was a Navy diver and there was an "incident". Don't know anyone who lost an arm, though.
I knew wild yeast bread had a lower glycemic index, but wasn't aware of the benefits of freezing and toasting. Love it when a plan comes together, we consume probably 80% of our bread this way.
Talking about my comment? The hospitalization was 50+ years ago, before the arrival of ubiquitous epipens. I know he had and conquered cancer, so I doubt it was the only hospitalization. But I do know all his family completely removed peanuts from their houses, and we were all told to not put them in any dishes brought to a family potluck. More knowledge of food allergies has probably made a real difference in his life.
I never heard of anyone suffering a peanut allergy until the 70's or 80's, ever. I have no doubt it's real but why all the sudden some kid is going into shock because someone brought a Snickers to school is puzzling. There's got to be a cause.
I never heard of anyone suffering a peanut allergy until the 70's or 80's, ever. I have no doubt it's real but why all the sudden some kid is going into shock because someone brought a Snickers to school is puzzling. There's got to be a cause.
I've thought the same thing. Same with this gluten thing, and seafood allergies, although I had heard of the seafood thing all my life; just not as much. There is no lack of evidence that all these allergies exist, but prior to the 80's it seemed rather rare for anyone to have anything other than a touch of hay fever.
I've thought the same thing. Same with this gluten thing, and seafood allergies, although I had heard of the seafood thing all my life; just not as much. There is no lack of evidence that all these allergies exist, but prior to the 80's it seemed rather rare for anyone to have anything other than a touch of hay fever.
Life threatening allergies have been around a long time. However people died of them, mostly when young, so they didn’t live for you to know about them. And celiac disease has been around basically forever. The tiniest amount of gluten causes ulcers and erosion in the gut, and they used to die too. Kind of like “Gee, I don’t know anyone with polio, so I don’t have to vaccinate my kids against polio.” People don’t know about polio because they were too young to have seen polio victims (even the ones that didn’t die).
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