Irish Visitors

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If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
Gary tried very hard to get their computer to talk to the Internet but was unsuccessful. Bill then mentioned a guy who lives in the park that used to run a computer business. He also tried everything he could and finally decided it was a hardware problem.

I did not suspect hardware because the problem is identical whether using wifi or a wired LAN connection. Packets could be sent but not received via any port, but I can't think of any hardware that is common to both the built-in wifi and the LAN port. And there were two TCP/IP stacks configured for both devices plus a couple layers of NetLink software (used with Novell networks) that had no business being there, but I couldn't make them go away. Very strange software configuration!
If Gary couldn't get it working on site, I don't feel so bad about not fixing it over the phone :)
I thought of calling you but Jim said you had already tried to help. I spent a nearly two hours on it and and concluded that re-loading Windows was the best approach. Figured with a clean start we ought to be able to get it going somehow. Don't know if they tried to re-load XP after I left for home or not, but it sure was a conundrum!  ???

Ned: Have you ever seen TCP/IP listed twice in the Connection Properties software list? I  haven't. One appeared to be the usual Windows TCP/IP stack and the second (about three layers above the usual one) was titled "Microsoft TCP/IP V6" .
The second stack is for TCP/IP v6 (that will give every atom in the universe it's own IP address :) ) which isn't in wide use, yet.  XP seems to install it by default.  Unless the computer is to be used to share files on a LAN, every protocol should be unchecked except for "Internet Protocol (TCP/IP)".  Nobody uses the NetWare stuff any more so those can be uninstalled.

I agree with you it did not seem to be a hardware problem but Jim could not get it to work at all. As you know, it's way beyond my scope of expertise. I know how to turn the darn thing on. :)
Jim Dick said:
...On Friday when they arrived it was Steve's birthday. Since we couldn't have a party that day we arranged to have some forum members stop by yesterday around noon. Those attending were Gary & Nancy Brinck, Bill & Marlys Johnson, and Dick & Yvonne Bell. It was a nice gathering and we had a good time.

Sorry that we couldn't make it, but that's one of the downsides of not being retired -- you have to go to work on weekdays.  :'(

I hope they enjoyed the launch.  Even though I work about 40 miles away from the pad, we all go outside at launch-time to watch the liftoff.

How long will Steve, Hazel, & kids be staying?


We were sorry you couldn't make it as well. Steve & Hazel will be leaving on Wednesday. We are tied up tomorrow morning to early afternoon and don't know their plans yet. Perhaps we could get together later in the day. Of course, you could always come and visit with them if they aren't off galavanting somewhere. We can check with them when they get back.
Well, as we all have found out in the past, things tend to work out over time. Frank & Cheryl Arthur were unable to come to our picnic with Steve & Hazel and the other forum framily. Today we were able to have another cookout and they did attend. It was a great evening which I think all enjoyed. It's too bad that Steve & Hazel will be moving on shortly. I hope many of you get to meet them during their travels. I know they are looking forward to it!

Since we were going to gather again I put in an order for a nice sunset. Thankfully I was granted my wish. :) Photo 1 is the sunset. Photo 2 is Frank & Cheryl. Photo 3 shows Jude, Sam, Luke, Hazel, Steve, Frank, Cheryl, and Pat.


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Ron said:
Looks like everybody is enjoying the occasion.  If Hazel and Steve make it to Montana we have a spce for them to park.


That's great. Not sure if they'll make it but they just might. I'm sure they'd appreciate any parking spaces available. :) Only wish we could do that here. Maybe when we hit lotto we'll buy some acreage away from  the major population.
Jim, I know where some lots are available at reasonable prices in Texas :)
Ned & Ron,

I know what's available in Montana, having been there, and can guess the equal is available in Texas. Guess we'll have to check out Texas sometime to be sure. ;D ;D ;D I think you'll find this family is a delight if you get a chance to meet them. We sure have enjoyed their stay.
We hope to have our guest pad (and ours too) ready by next winter.  We might even have room for 2 guests :)
I'll add an additional thought.  We currently have a Long driveway, several of the framily have stayed there, and hope to have a pad this summer sometime, water and 50 amp power are currently there.  There is a dump about 2+ miles away.

Many stay in the Bozeman area and drive to the park daily.  It is a little over an hour to the West Yellowstone gate but the drive is very scenic.  The locals do this rather than pay the prices in and near the park.  VBG

Sounds pretty nice. We've done Sam's camp and had a wonderful time. Would like to do it again someday. Also would be nice to do the Reiter and Godward camps somedah. :)
Gosh, we've just discovered this thread, and its all about us!  How did I miss that??

Its our last night here in the great outdoors, Florida.  Jim and Pat have been amazingly hospitable and we took them out to dinner this evening.  It is also our wedding anniversary, which we forgot to mention. 

Being our last night here, we were blessed with a visit from 4 racoons.  They came right up to the fly screen door and stared at us.  The kids fed them fat & sugar free biscuits through the handle slot, and they stayed for about 20 minutes, poking their noses up to see us and being not at all shy.  was a real treat for the kids as we dont have racoons in Ireland.

Tomorrow we are heading up to Georgia to visit a good friend who is in prison there.  That will be a first for us too.
Congratulations on your wedding anniversary. That makes two couples I know who shared their anniversary dinner with Pat and Jim.
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