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Yeah, I know they make it differently for bears. But also, most of the bears in AK are different and larger than the black bears we have here in CA.

-Don- Auburn, CA
Good to know. We have black bears in Colorado. I use pots and pans with banging. Have a 9MM ready with 12 rounds of self defense ammo.
This is probably the second-most emotionally loaded issue in the country, behind abortion. The stunning increase in mass shootings, even road rage, gang-related, and personal one-on-one shootings has intensified the emotional level. But there are two unalterable facts that must be considered: first, no firearm ever decided to kill people; and second, the people who use a firearm as a tool for slaughter are those whom society has failed -- failed to recognize as seriously disturbed, failed to stop, failed to help. Now a personal opinion I think is a fact: violent video games from preschool on, the deliberate secularization of society, unwed mothers/fatherless homes, and failure to do the work of parenting are the chief causes of gun violence. I think it's a lazy cop-out to blame guns instead of ourselves.
Why? What has the NRA done to deserve that category? I'll be interested in whatever you can bring to us to support your opinion, and I'll read with an open mind.

P.S.: I'm not a member and I think Wayne LaPierre is an idiot.
The NRA is against any restrictions on gun purchases. They could care less about the destruction guns have wreaked on our society.
Maybe you should have to. If you went into a gun store and said I need a gun to kill X number of people, shouldn’t that put up some kind of red flag?
You normally wouldn't even be able to buy the gun, even if you pass the BGC and everything. Gun shops are careful about who they sell to, usually well beyond what the laws require.

See here.

"Dealer's Choice: Gun Store Owners Can Deny Anyone They Want".

-Don- Auburn, CA
The NRA is against any restrictions on gun purchases. They could care less about the destruction guns have wreaked on our society.
Not so. Gator, with respect, I think you're gathering information with your imagination. Here's one contradictory fact: The NRA backed the Federal Firearms Act of 1938. The NRA supported the NFA along with the Gun Control Act of 1968 (GCA), which together created a system to federally license gun dealers and established restrictions on particular categories and classes of firearms.
Now a personal opinion I think is a fact: violent video games from preschool on, the deliberate secularization of society, unwed mothers/fatherless homes, and failure to do the work of parenting are the chief causes of gun violence. I think it's a lazy cop-out to blame guns instead of ourselves.
Do you really believe the USA is the only country that experiences these events. Yet we lead all industrialized countries in gun violence. Go figure.
Not so. Gator, with respect, I think you're gathering information with your imagination. Here's one contradictory fact: The NRA backed the Federal Firearms Act of 1938. The NRA supported the NFA along with the Gun Control Act of 1968 (GCA), which together created a system to federally license gun dealers and established restrictions on particular categories and classes of firearms.
Okay, 1938 and 1968. Got anything recent?
Do you really believe the USA is the only country that experiences these events. Yet we lead all industrialized countries in gun violence. Go figure.
Because our society produces killers, not because of the Second Amendment.
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