Poor English, spelling and grammar.

The friendliest place on the web for anyone with an RV or an interest in RVing!
If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
  Thanks Lou, old buddy..

  It's amazing that after 3 months of re-hab, the brain and legs starts to work again.
Of course there are many readers that think I am still brain-dead.  LOL

  carson, FL
carson said:
At the rate we (the USA) are going by following the progressive method of changing the World, we are sure to speak PIGEON English  in the near future. (Maybe it should be spelled Pidgeon. Who knows.

  My rant.... carson,  FL..80?

Would you believe pidgin?  ::) I though "Pidgeon" was only for Walter.  ;D
Good point, Larry. I have no clue. who is WALTER?  I've heard of Walter Cronkite.....that's it.

Should I leave this post alone?

carson FL
Oops -- sorry, Carson.  :-[ Walter Pidgeon was a movie actor, many years ago. I especially remember him for his "mad scientist" role in Forbidden Planet, but he was also in Funny Girl and many other movies.
Well, we could move to France where they DO have a language police and new words are not allowed into the language until approved by a government office.
Tom said:
LOL Margi. Your old boss would have had a very interesting encounter with my very olde English teacher at grammar school. If we weren't 100% perfect, she'd whack us over the knuckles with a wooden ruler.

Tom, from your post I would guess you and I are about the same age. [OLD.]
Oops -- sorry, Carson. 
Walter Pidgeon was a movie actor, many years ago. I especially remember him for his "mad scientist" role in Forbidden
[quote author=M1894]... you and I are about the same age. [OLD.][/quote]

It's all relative Lee. When my oldest son started calling me "the old man", I reminded him that he was only 20 years behind. When his son started calling him "the old man", he reminded him that he was only 20 years behind  ;D
I knows what yer all a talkin' about with this grammer and spellin' thing. There's lots a fellers up on Gulch where I.M.'s from that ain't neerly as good at this writin' thing as I.M.. I gots myself a blog that is a helpin' 'em understand what this here mobile, mobile home livin' is all about. Any of you fellers wants to take a look see at it, help yerselves here.
P.S. There's some folks that think it's right humerous and others that ain't so sure what in the world it is.
DearMissMermaid said:
The word ain't is in my trusty old Webster. It's also popular with us southerners, in an informal kind of way.

But y'all might not realize that, if y'all ain't ever talked to  southerners much.


Lawzy sakes, Miss Mermaid....  I bet a lot of them Nawthners don't know that "y'all" is singular and "all y'all" is plural.  I guess we gotta set 'em straight. 

Besides, "if mamma ain't happy, ain't nobody happy" just does not translate to "If mother isn't pleased, then no one in the vicinity will be experiencing pleasure anytime in the near future".  Ya know?
From Webster's dictionary:

"Although widely disapproved as nonstandard and more common in the habitual speech of the less educated, ain't in senses 1 and 2 is flourishing in American English. It is used in both speech and writing to catch attention and to gain emphasis "
OK, how about us who think faster than we type with huge fingers that often hit 2 keys at once. The  spelling pulice will get me! BTW Tom I had a 4 grade teacher that had the baddest wooden ruler around and I have the knuckles to prove it. The rest of the classes I slept through.
My typing, which was never great, seems to have gotten terrible with advancing age. Less nimble fingers? Fingers moving faster than my brain? I don't know, but even with spell check I find I am posting messages with numerous errors, for which I am embarrassed because "good' grammar and spelling are important to me.  :-[
We need a "Modify" button so we can correct our messages. 

Oh, wait......


We need a "Modify" button so we can correct our messages. 

Oh, wait......

I have to thank someone for that but why is it I never see the mistakes till after I have punched the Post button????  Spell check helps but it accepts things like "an" for "and" etc.
Jim Godward said:

I have to thank someone for that but why is it I never see the mistakes till after I have punched the Post button????  Spell check helps but it accepts things like "an" for "and" etc.
Spell Check sometimes makes things worse and it sure mnakes proofreaders lazy. Just read a newspaper!
gwcowgill said:
Spell Check sometimes makes things worse and it sure mnakes proofreaders lazy. Just read a newspaper!

Agreed, the proof is in the above quote.    :)  My wife only lets me read some of the comics, usually she reads them to me and points out a few of the ads she wants me to see.  I seldon get to see the front page and almost never the editorial or letters.  My blood pressure is better, I now only have a couple of beers a week and am generally much more calm.  In addition, I do not watch TV news for the same reasons.  Makes for a better life style!!  Oh yes,I do get to do a couple of crossword puzzles over the span of a week.
Jim Godward said:
Agreed, the proof is in the above quote.    :)  My wife only lets me read some of the comics, usually she reads them to me and points out a few of the ads she wants me to see.  I seldon get to see the front page and almost never the editorial or letters.  My blood pressure is better, I now only have a couple of beers a week and am generally much more calm.  In addition, I do not watch TV news for the same reasons.  Makes for a better life style!!  Oh yes,I do get to do a couple of crossword puzzles over the span of a week.

I agree, we don't even get a newspaper for the very same reason, now if I could just get rid of the TV news sensationalism, maybe I could get my blood pressure down.. The problem is I have 1 daughter who is Miami-Dade Police so my wife is always turning on the  news. 
[quote author=gwcowgill]... I have the knuckles to prove it. The rest of the classes I slept through.[/quote]

Sounds like me  :-[

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