Random acts of kindness.

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Well-known member
Mar 21, 2009
Yesterday, my wife and I had lunch at our favorite barbecue place. As we were finishing our iced tea, a man who had been sitting alone in the next booth got up to go pay his bill. As he walked by, he stopped at our table, picked up our check and told us to have a good day and proceeded to the register . We were dumbfounded. I followed him to the register to try to dissuade him, but he was insistent.
So, we got a free lunch.
We used to do such things.  But it was long ago.  My wife and I have renewed our faith in humanity and  are embarking on our own personal "pay it forward" campaign.
In this day of vitriol and hate speech,  we could use more people like that man.
Three other adults and I took 3 kids with special needs to DisneyWorld a couple years back.  Was a pipe dream for them that came true. 

When we had gone through security at Orlando (which was a nightmare!), a gentleman in an incredibly nice suit walked up as I was kneeling, helping to tie shoes and put belts back on.  He reached out his hand and pressed a folded bill in my hand, saying something like "you're wonderful for doing this and treat the guys to dinner."  Just like that, he disappeared.  When I opened my hand, I found two $100 bills.  All of us adults got pretty teary-eyed which made the guys wonder what they had done wrong.  What a moment.  What a blessing.

So yes, we took all 7 guys from the group home to dinner at a buffet along with probably 12 staff.  Had a room to ourselves and had an absolute blast.

We four adults still get together for lunch every couple months and regale each other with the stories.  And my son still talks about flying and going back.  In a heartbeat!
Stories like these renew my faith in humanity. I like doing things for others without them knowing. Today I shoveled snow for two ladies, one is a close friend, who have difficulty managing the task. Got caught darn it ;D
Going thru a rough patch many years ago, no idea who the kindness was from, a gift to a grocery store a few days before Christmas.  I try now, each year and more often, to pass that kindness to someone. 
  Thank you, whoever you are, our family enjoyed Christmas dinner.
ChasA said:
Yesterday, my wife and I had lunch at our favorite barbecue place. As we were finishing our iced tea, a man who had been sitting alone in the next booth got up to go pay his bill. As he walked by, he stopped at our table, picked up our check and told us to have a good day and proceeded to the register . We were dumbfounded. I followed him to the register to try to dissuade him, but he was insistent.
So, we got a free lunch.
We used to do such things.  But it was long ago.  My wife and I have renewed our faith in humanity and  are embarking on our own personal "pay it forward" campaign.
In this day of vitriol and hate speech,  we could use more people like that man.
Do you have any idea why you were singled out?

I once had that happen to me. But I knew why. I was wearing my Vietnam Vet hat and somebody anonymously  paid my bill.

Since then, I stopped wearing it in restaurants.

-Don-  Auburn, CA
A few months ago the man in front of me at  arbys drive thru paid for my lunch.  I intend to pay it forward!
DonTom, I have no idea why. Maybe because we're old folks (mid 70s). Or maybe we were the first table on his way out.
Guy repairing my car, upon it was all done (there was one complication in the process) was creating the invoice. I had a look on it and saw that one item was missing.  He said that it's free of charge, coz he wanted to keep the price we agreed upon. I said thank you for your great service.
Big RV centers don't always get a good review, but here's one. I was at Lazy Days in Loveland, CO having my Adventurer repaired last summer and it was an emergency. We had to leave asap for a family medical problem in FL. The original sight unseen over the phone guesstimate was around $500. When they got a look at the problem it rose to $750. After they had it awhile it rose to $1500! Yikes! I went back to Lazy Days to see what they were talking about and agreed with their new estimate. They found more problems. I agreed to do the first $750 there and complete the job when I got back to FL. When I picked up my rig they completed all of the repairs for $750 and were two days ahead of schedule.
This has never happened to us. Nor would I want it to. There are many folks out there that need it a lot more than I do. However, we have paid folks bills at restaurants. My wife paid for a families dinner because their kids were so well behaved. We paid for a man?s dinner one night because he was dining alone. I have paid for AD military in airports while awaiting flights. It makes you feel good when you do these things.
larit said:
Guy repairing my car, upon it was all done (there was one complication in the process) was creating the invoice. I had a look on it and saw that one item was missing.  He said that it's free of charge, coz he wanted to keep the price we agreed upon. I said thank you for your great service.

About 30 years ago, when Kim and I were just dating, we were driving to her folks place for Christmas one snowy weekend. Along for the ride were her two sisters, one of them with a boyfriend. They lived out in the sticks and there were two 90* turns just before their house. When I turned the wheel at the first one...NOTHING...right into the ditch we went. Only minor bumps & bruises, luckily. I jogged (I'm NOT a jogger!) about a half mile to their house, her father and I came back with a truck and tractor, and extracted the car. It was driveable but the radiator was toast. Next day we brought it to a neighbor who fixed it up for $100. I only had $50 so my future FIL ponied up the other $50. The guy handed him the $50 back and said "Merry Christmas".
DonTom said:
Do you have any idea why you were singled out?

I once had that happen to me. But I knew why. I was wearing my Vietnam Vet hat and somebody anonymously  paid my bill.

Since then, I stopped wearing it in restaurants.

-Don-  Auburn, CA
I will buy a lunch for someone in a military uniform,    I remember what it was like. 

but the whole 'Vietnam Hat' thing bothers me as a Vet,... I didn't get any thanks for 40 years after the war... why now ?

I'm not going to ride on the glory of the Military kids today...we had our day.
My first act of kindness happened over 40 year ago.
Short version- parents divorced, mom was a waitress in a small town in the Colorado Rockies with 3 boys (me and my two younger brothers) at home. A gentlemen gave her a $100 tip to pay for our Christmas presents. I never forgot that.

Since that day, I pay it forward every chance I can. Not usually by cash, but by deeds.
I've stopped on the interstate to assist accident victims, let them sit in my conversion van to stay warm until the police and tow vehicle took care of business. Let their kids watch movies on the dvd player.
Changed numerous flat tires over the years.
Most recent- snow removal for 4 elderly single women who live near me. We had 10"-12" of snow and I went out and snow-blowed their drives. Didn't tell them or ask. Just did it.

I did have one gentlemen buy my lunch at BassPro between fishing seminars this year. He was a Veteran, and so am I. He bought our lunch and I didn't know it until I got up to pay the bill. Waitress told me he already took care of it, including my beers. It was an awesome feeling.
sightseers said:
but the whole 'Vietnam Hat' thing bothers me as a Vet,... I didn't get any thanks for 40 years after the war... why now ?
While the Vietnam war was going on, most people were very against it. Now, most people don't even know what we were fighting about in Vietnam--and don't care, as now it is over with.

-Don-  Reno, NV
sightseers said:
I will buy a lunch for someone in a military uniform,    I remember what it was like. 

but the whole 'Vietnam Hat' thing bothers me as a Vet,... I didn't get any thanks for 40 years after the war... why now ?

I'm not going to ride on the glory of the Military kids today...we had our day.

  I think that our present administration has brought appreciation of our military a little more to to forefront! And it?s about time.....those that serve or have served, deserve our respect!
sightseers said:
I will buy a lunch for someone in a military uniform,    I remember what it was like. 

but the whole 'Vietnam Hat' thing bothers me as a Vet,... I didn't get any thanks for 40 years after the war... why now ?

I'm not going to ride on the glory of the Military kids today...we had our day.

I have to disagree with you. Nobody is riding on the glory of the military kids today. I don?t think we can say that those that fought  in previous wars do not deserve a thank you for their service because that thank you denigrates the service of those presently serving. Prior glory is not diminished by present glory.
Memtb said:
  I think that our present administration has brought appreciation of our military a little more to to forefront! And it?s about time.....those that serve or have served, deserve our respect!

Please do not slap our military in the face by suggesting the present administration has done anything for those that presently serve. You do not do our brave men and women in uniform any favors by doing so.
Oldgator73 said:
Please do not slap our military in the face by suggesting the present administration has done anything for those that presently serve. You do not do our brave men and women in uniform any favors by doing so.

  I respectfully disagree!

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