Who built the pyramids?

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They did, I'm betting that they dropped our sorry asses off here a long time ago.. i mean, look at what we do to this planet and each other.. what civilization would tolerate that ?
we are just rejects from another system.. we are the aliens.. :)
It has occurred to me, and at least one deeper thinking than I whom I know personally, that we have been quarantined due to our innate destructiveness. Not convinced of that, but it's a seductive speculation.
I don't believe in the book of Genesis. It claims the Earth is 6000 years old. There are so many scientific ways to prove that wrong that I refuse to believe anything else it has to say.
Ever heard of allegory? How about evolution? Language evolved from grunts to Milton -- and is regressing to IMHO, FWIW, TTL, and so forth. We'll have oversized thumbs and atrophied index fingers in a couple of generations.
Even those sightings are rare compared to what the world population used to report on regular intervals.

And so the recent absence of human presence on the Moon argues that we were never there?
Giant stones at Puma Punku were cut to closer tolerances than we can cut today. Plato's Atlantis may not have been fiction. If civilization were wiped out today all our history is written on paper or digital. There will no record of us. In 10,000 years only our stone structures will be left. Future archeologists will wonder how Mt Rushmore was carved without power tools. And say it is carvings of our gods where human sacrifices were no doubt carried out :)
I don't believe in the book of Genesis. It claims the Earth is 6000 years old. There are so many scientific ways to prove that wrong that I refuse to believe anything else it has to say.
That's cool. I don't believe science, the media or the educational system, but hey, we can't all have the same beliefs.
And so the recent absence of human presence on the Moon argues that we were never there?
One NASA spokesman has been quoted as saying we cannot go past the Van Allen belts and in another quote that they "lost" all the telemetry and don't have the technology to go back to the moon. The latest is that they have discovered the moon is inside our own atmosphere and that they have also discovered an invisible shield around earth.
Giant stones at Puma Punku were cut to closer tolerances than we can cut today. Plato's Atlantis may not have been fiction. If civilization were wiped out today all our history is written on paper or digital. There will no record of us. In 10,000 years only our stone structures will be left. Future archeologists will wonder how Mt Rushmore was carved without power tools. And say it is carvings of our gods where human sacrifices were no doubt carried out :)
And they'd be wrong. Human sacrifices are carried out in Washington -- of course.

Your point about paper, digital, and stone is well taken. I'd not thought of that. We will disappear at some point, except for the Voyager disc ( Voyager Golden Record - Wikipedia ).
I don't believe in the book of Genesis. It claims the Earth is 6000 years old. There are so many scientific ways to prove that wrong that I refuse to believe anything else it has to say.
Actually it does not say that. People who read it "Interperet" it to say that but it does not say that.. The danger of Interpertating things to say what you want them to say.
The interperters assume the Bible is a linier time line.. It's not.
Actually it does not say that. People who read it "Interperet" it to say that but it does not say that.. The danger of Interpertating things to say what you want them to say.
The interperters assume the Bible is a linier time line.. It's not.
Yes that is right John. One of the things that bother me about some people is that they can never just quote a Bible passage. They have to follow that with an explanation of what it means. I am still waiting to find out how some clown built a boat and gathered up two of each species and took them out for a 40 day cruise. There are millions of species on Earth. Must have been a very big boat. And how did he feed them? If it really did happen then after 40 days two very fat lions would be all that is left.
Yes that is right John. One of the things that bother me about some people is that they can never just quote a Bible passage. They have to follow that with an explanation of what it means. I am still waiting to find out how some clown built a boat and gathered up two of each species and took them out for a 40 day cruise. There are millions of species on Earth. Must have been a very big boat. And how did he feed them? If it really did happen then after 40 days two very fat lions would be all that is left.

Actually it does not say that. People who read it "Interperet" it to say that but it does not say that.. The danger of Interpertating things to say what you want them to say.
The interperters assume the Bible is a linier time line.. It's not.
The entire book in all it's various versions is an interpretation of someone else's stories.
I like to leave the door open, and it makes more sense than any religious description of creation, or any religion's explanation of anything else, really.
Curiously, the Bible doesn't disagree with the Big Bang theory. Genesis 1:1:
"In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth." (King James version)

That's a very general statement, but if you postulate that there is an all-powerful God as described throughout the Bible, then the Big Bang could have been the start of that creation of our universe.

Seems one of the blocks in one pyramid shows of having cut with POWER TOOLS. not hand tools.
How would they determine that it was power tools, unless they include people-powered as being "power tools."

I don't believe in the book of Genesis. It claims the Earth is 6000 years old.
The Bible doesn't say that at all. It does indicate that man is about 6,000 years old, but man wasn't created until late in the sixth "day" of creation, keeping in mind that the length of the creative "day" isn't stated, and could be thousands or millions of years each, or even varying lengths of time. But it's quite evident that they are not the 24 hour type of day.

After all, we talk about things happening in our day, or in George Washington's day, with the references obviously being somewhat longer than 24 hours, or even than a year.

And Gen Chapt 1 finishes the creation story, so it's in generalities that are compatible with what scientists say.

Ah! An intelligent question! But supposing there was one, where did what went bang come from?
Perhaps that was God's means of creating our universe. After all the Bible talks in many places about his tremendous power (Isaiah 40:26 and others).

I am still waiting to find out how some clown built a boat and gathered up two of each species and took them out for a 40 day cruise. There are millions of species on Earth. Must have been a very big boat. And how did he feed them? If it really did happen then after 40 days two very fat lions would be all that is left.
Well, the ark took, per Genesis maybe 50 years or so to build, being 3 decks at 300 cubits long (each cubit just under a foot and a half), 50 cubits wide, and 30 cubits high, (near 1.4 million cubic feet), and after talking about the animals to take on board, Genesis 6:21 says, "And on your part get yourself some of every kind of food that is eaten, and stow it with you, so as to have it for your eating and for theirs." [ they being the animals of course] (Byington Bible)

BTW, it wasn't strictly two by two, since Gen. 7:2,3 says, "Of every clean beast you shall take seven mated pairs, and of every beast that is not clean two, a mated pair; also of the birds of the air seven each, make and female, -- to keep alive the breed all over the earth.: (New World translation)

Note, too, that the ark wasn't the usual boat or ship, rather it was just a big box in shape.

In all of the above, a God as described in the Bible is required, one with powers we can hardly imagine but much of it described in the Bible. And looking at the complexity of the human body, it's easy to contemplate that it's at least as likely (much more, in my estimation) as blind evolution in a world where everything decomposes with time and exposure, rather than getting more complex with time -- in a world where even intelligent man can't create life from scratch.
Curiously, the Bible doesn't disagree with the Big Bang theory. Genesis 1:1:
"In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth." (King James version)

That's a very general statement, but if you postulate that there is an all-powerful God as described throughout the Bible, then the Big Bang could have been the start of that creation of our universe.

I don't postulate that there was an all-powerful God. The God described in the Bible can't be both omnipotent and omniscient. That's the fatal flaw that makes me categorize the entire book as fictitious work, and Judeo-Christian tradition, "religion", a farce.
Coming from a computer background I believe robots will be the next major step in human evolution. We will create them in our own image. And they will revere us as their creators.
Coming from a computer background I believe robots will be the next major step in human evolution. We will create them in our own image. And they will revere us as their creators.
If they are programmed to revere us, they will revere us.
If they are programmed to despise us, they will despise us.
Just like dogs, or people.
I love Machu but he has no proof and neither does Von Daniken. Wishing and making up stories is easy. Proof is totally impossible.
They are just plausible theories until sufficient evidence can be found to support or disprove them. Von Daniken's theory relies on there being no other provable explanation, i.e. his theory is as good as any other. But ancient Egyptian documents & artifacts keep whittling away at it.
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